Canada’s Global Connections HDI What is HDI, anyone know? HDI is an acronym for Human Development Index HDI measures living standards or quality of life in a country
What adds to your quality of life? Think of some things you have and some things you want in your life
Is there enough food to feed your family?
Do you have clothes on your back?
Do you have shelter over your head?
Can you get a job if you want one?
Is an education available to everyone?
Is health care available to everyone? Sick Kids Hospital Toronto Doctors Without Borders Hospital, somewhere in Africa
Calculating HDI The HDI of a country is calculated by the United Nations (UN) each year using 3 factors Life expectancy at birth (average number of years a person will live in a given country) Adult literacy rate (percentage of population 15 yrs and older who can read and write at a basic level) Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (the money made by a country divided by its population – tells if enough money is available to provide necessities)
The Rankings In 2006 the UN ranked 177 of the worlds 200 countries The country receives a score out of 1.000 (1 being the best and 0.001 being worst) We can put each country into one of 3 categories High HDI (1.000 – 0.800) offering an excellent quality of life Medium HDI (0.799 – 0.500) offering an adequate quality of life Low HDI (0.499 – 0.001) offering an inadequate quality of life
Choropleth Map of World Countries Based on HDI, 2006 (2004 data) ██ 0.950 and over ██ 0.900-0.949 ██ 0.850-0.899 ██ 0.800-0.849 ██ 0.750-0.799 ██ 0.700-0.749 ██ 0.650-0.699 ██ 0.600-0.649 ██ 0.550-0.599 ██ 0.500-0.549 ██ 0.450-0.499 ██ 0.400-0.449 ██ 0.350-0.399 ██ 0.300-0.349 ██ under 0.300 ██ n/a