10 Key Foundation Stones for a Healthy Society By S. Stacey
At the start of the Bible God gave humankind three central ways to receive God’s continual blessings Be Fruitful Multiply And take dominion over creation. But what do these mean in practice and how can we use this knowledge to create a world of peace – one family under God.
Each of the three blessings can be broken down into smaller blessings – each of which are important in the context of world peace. Healthy nation building needs a number of Essential criteria to be met
How can I be ‘fruitful’ as an individual – what makes me fruity – a wholesome fruit? The knowledge of that I am – as a child - worthy of love and belonging. Thousands or different studies show the benefits of a person having the internal knowledge that ‘I’m OK’. A person who can continual draw on that inner resource doesn’t need to engage in unhealthy activities in order to ‘be liked’ or to ‘feel good’ about themselves. Seeing the ‘Okness’ in myself also allows me a better opportunity to see the ‘Okness in others’ – and want to enter into respectful interaction that ‘Okness’. On average, children are most likely to come to know they are worthy of love and belonging if they are raised by their two biological parents – the people who gave them life.
How can I be ‘fruitful’ as an individual – what makes me fruity – a wholesome fruit? 2. The raising of a child as a moral being. Growing up to be a child of God who will live in community with others who are God’s children demands that I understand the rules and boundaries that show I respect others and myself. The 10 commandments are one example of how I might show respect to myself and to others – but there are other important values to. For example – the widespread use of sexuality outside a committed relationship leads to much social harm and social decay.
How can I be ‘fruitful’ as an individual – what makes me fruity – a wholesome fruit? Education: All people at birth inherit the right to education – which ideally allows them to focus on a professional future that matches they natural gifts and talents. This will best allow them the ability to fulfill their role as family builder, as a co-creator and to participate with others on a social level to builder an ever more blessed society.
The 2nd Blessing – what does it mean to ‘multiply’ in the context of world peace? Marriage and Family: After 50 years of research it becomes clear that we humans are like all other species – having ONLY one primary way creating a family that will allow future generations to enjoy ongoing social health and wellbeing. This primary way is the heterosexual marital-family. Though still far from ideal, men, women and children – on average – have best outcomes on every social scale when they are part of a marital-family. Though many single parents do an incredible job in raising wonderful children, on average, all other forms of family constellation ultimately have to face many more challenges – challenges that ultimately lead to family lineage and social decline. Because of this, if a society that wants to receive God’s ongoing blessings it NEEDS to encourage healthy marriage practices – finding helpful ways to support the marital-family across the family life-cycle. Partners in marriage also need to make more effort to ensure their marital-family flourishes as a place for best outcomes for both themselves and their children. Society needs to heighten its awareness of how the marital-family is essential to world peace – it is God’s primary blessing – The Blessing
The 2nd Blessing – what does it mean to ‘multiply’ in the context of world peace? Community: For best outcomes in families, they need extended family or community support. How can families work together beyond race or faith to create community – loving communities where people receive joy and support, and children can be safely raised to experience joy, to understand group norms and to develop their natural gifts. In the past, church association created such communities, but as church attendance falls, how society creates new, supportive communities will determine much about future health and well being. Community also involves people of different faiths working together for the sake and benefit of the whole
The 2nd Blessing – what does it mean to ‘multiply’ in the context of world peace? 6. Social Support: Ideally, the state, private enterprise and NGO’s need to work with families – together – to seek to provide supportive systems for those who are facing extra challenges in life – in health, in old age, in social welfare, in relationship support, in justice (seeking to help with personal reform and reconciliation, etc), etc. It’s important to understand that the state should NOT set itself up as the primary caretaker – but be available as part of a mix of partners in care. The state also has to make sure it doesn’t pass laws that seek to provide support for someone today but then lead to increased social problems for the next generation.
The third Blessing - Taking dominion. Work – Mastering the Laws of Creation: Society functions to support the creative endeavors of all adults - supporting, not hindering - people’s innovative ideas and entrepreneurship so they can be co- creators and be responsible towards raising their family. Fulfilling work is essential to our development as human beings and for the development of a healthier human future.
The third Blessing - Taking dominion. Dominion over the Human Realm - Politics and the Press: Open and fair political process with a separation of powers - and a free press – are essential to health of society. Individuals need the right to determine their leaders and direction society needs to take. But political leadership only works when politicians see their role as being one of serving society – not just the needs of some lobby group. A true leader is the one who creates the environment where others can grow to their fulfil potential.
The third Blessing - Taking dominion. Using and protecting the Environment: All people are born with the right to live within a clean and healthy environment, and have an equal responsibility for preservation of the planet for future generations. Our role is one of well thought out stewardship – not just of taking for self-gratification – and then leaving problems for future generations.
The third Blessing - Taking dominion International cooperation in the spirit of being one family under God – sharing culture, enjoying sports, working together on global concerns, etc. There are many issues that humanity faces that we can only overcome together. We can’t take dominion in isolation – we need to cooperate for the benefit of all.
Point of note 1 Developed societies seem to forget that in order to maintain health and well-being over the course of many generations – ALL 10 blessings need to be encouraged in society. If we lose the marital family, if we fail to raise children as moral beings, if we don’t find ways to build supportive communities in the middle of large cities, then society will slowly but surely breakdown. Societies need to keep ALL 10 ten blessings in as good as health as can be. To neglect 1 or 2 or 3 ultimately leads to social harm.
Point of Note 2: The first blessing creates a foundation to support the second blessing, and the first and second blessings create a foundation to support the 3rd blessings. The ability to build a healthy marital- family or a supportive community is best achieved if individuals enter into marriage or community as loving, morally upright and educated human beings. Work and business, political life, the environment and international cooperation all experience more struggle if the individual and the marital-family are struggling – and ultimately society collapses in financial debts caused by breakdown in the marital-family, through having leaders who lack moral awareness, or through having so many individuals struggling far below their full divine potential.