I want you to listen to this song. It’s kind of a Canadian classic, especially when you’re at the bar or if you’re feeling depressed. Listen and read the lyrics. What grammatical structure am I going to teach you today? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4L3ls_6UYg
Present Unreal; Past Real If I you join us… To know what conditional sentences are. To understand how conditional sentences are used. To be able to manipulate and create your own conditional sentences. Present Real; Present Unreal; Past Real
Why do we use modal verbs?
Present Unreal; Past Real To know what conditional sentences are. To understand how conditional sentences are used. To be able to form their own sentences using the conditional. Page 71 – Read as a class. Starting on page 73, complete Ex. 1 #1-5 Ex. 2 #1-5 Ex. 3 #1-5 Ex. 10 #1-5 Each group will write 3 conditional sentences that relate to your alien race presentation. lol Present Real; Present Unreal; Past Real