MATCH THE KEY WORD TO THE DEFINITION divine right of kings The French army barracks Guillotine A tool used to cut off people’s heads Parisian working men who wear trousers Bastille The king had power over everyone and believed that he got his power from God Sans Colottes A kind of parliament with elected representatives Estates General
FRANCE – THE 3 ESTATES (classes) The First Estate: WHO? DETAILS PLEASE! The Second Estate: WHO? The Third Estate: WHO?
The French Revolution CAUSES RESULTS
Maximillian Robespierre He studied as a __________ and was elected to the __________. He was a member of the __________ party and he supported the ideas of the revolution – __________. He supported the __________ of Louis XVI. The revolution was threatened, so they set up the Committee of __________ with Robespierre as president. They led a __________ to save the revolution. This involved many execution by __________ and encouraged people to spy on their neighbours under the __________. About __________ were killed. Foreign armies invaded to try and stop the __________. French men rushed to defend France. Their marching song __________ is the French national anthem.