The Ukraine The Ukraine was famous for its fertile plains and agriculture before 1986.
Before 1986
After 1986
Chernobyl, Ukraine But early in the morning of April 26, 1986, the nuclear industry's flagship met its iceberg. But unlike the Titanic, Chernobyl's disaster was due to human error, first and foremost.
Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy can be efficient , cleaner, and cheaper than other forms of energy. But it can be very dangerous too. If it is not properly managed , nuclear plants can release deadly radiation.
Nuclear Disaster Exposed one tenth of the Ukraine’s 233,090 square miles to unsafe levels of radiation Exposed approximately one million people to unsafe levels of radiation The land and water was poisoned by the radioactive materials surrounded the plant Even more entered the air falling on northern Europe
Effects of Nuclear Disaster Drinking water was unsafe for months Fish in the Ukraine and bordering countries were unsafe to eat for years Trees turned brown and died Animals died Thirty miles around the plant was abandoned by humans and known as the “ exclusion zone”
When the nuclear power plant in the city of Chernobyl exploded it released large amounts of radiation. Many people died due to the radiation-caused cancer and other sicknesses. People in other parts of Europe got sick too due to the winds that carried radiation beyond the Ukraine. and, livestock that produced contaminated meat and dairy products.
The faulty reactor was buried in concrete but the radioactive material is still unsafe The reactor at Chernobyl was not housed in the same type of building that other countries required. The Chernobyl reactor was built for weapons material production not for generating electricity. They had three other reactors that operated in the country until 2000 and then they shut down
The Debate Nuclear energy or fossil fuels? How should nuclear waste be disposed of properly? How should the reactors be regulated? Is the cost savings of nuclear energy worth the risk of human life?