The Post-Classical World
BIG THEMES Spread of “World” RELIGIONS: Emergence of “World” NETWORKS Buddhism, Christianity, Islam Emergence of “World” NETWORKS Old and New Centers of Civilization: “Developed” world: Built most clearly on achievements of classical civs: Byzantium, Arab empire, India, China Most sophisticated; largest cities; opulent upper-classes & artistic styles of life; most elaborate political structures New Civs: Japan // parts of SE Asia // sub-Sahara Africa // Russia // NW’ern Europe
Trade & Exchange Networks
The SILK ROAD Interaction between Agricultural Civs. and Pastoral Peoples -- between OUTER Eurasia & INNER Eurasia
The SILK ROAD A series of roads Works best when large states provide security Rome, Han Byzantine Empire, Abbasid Caliphate/dynasty, Tang dynasty Mongols HOW transported? WHAT exchanged? Luxury items --- what is significance of silk? Culture/Religion – Buddhism; also Christianity, Islam Disease – Black Death of 14th c. the worst
SEA ROUTES of Afro-Eurasia MEDITERRANEAN Early: Phonenicians – “purple” people Colonies, trade, alphabet! By 1000 CE: VENICE A city-state in NE Italian peninsula “Italy” NOT Italy until 1860 Link Europe to Indian Ocean Trade LINKS: N to S inland waterway: Scandinavia >> Kievan Rus [Novgorod] >> Byzantium [Constantinople] N to S land routes in Africa: GOLD-SALT Trans-Saharan in W. Africa Inland routes in E. & S. Africa.
INDIAN OCEAN Most important trade route to 1500 WHY? Diversity. Cheaper than Land Transport. Bulk goods (vs. Luxury goods) MONSOONS.