WARM-Up Fold a piece of notebook paper into 4 sections. Label the 4 sections with the following words: 1) Identity 2) Culture 3) Stereotypes 4) Acceptance For each section, list everything about the topic that you learned in Unit 1, thinking about vocabulary, reading, the MOST IMPORTANT things you’re taking away, and how you can CONNECT this topic to YOUR LIFE.
UNIT 1 Reflection One component of your Unit 1 Project is to write a one-page reflection about your learning in this unit – what you’re taking away, what was most important or significant, and how you can connect your knowledge to your life. You just created a graphic organizer to make this assignment easy. You now have 15 minutes to write this reflection.
PRESENTATIONS You will present the words that correspond with the letters of your initials. For example, my initials are A-M-Y, so if I were presenting, I would show and tell you about my A word, my M word, and my Y word. This is a Speaking/Listening grade worth 20 points.
Unit 1 Project Turn in the following: ABC Book One-Page Reflection on Unit 1 Rubric Make sure your FULL NAME is on everything.
GRADE Reflection Today you’re going to complete a grade reflection and review of your current progress in this class. The end of the six weeks is one week from today – Wednesday, February 26. Complete questions #1-4 right now.
GRAde Review Complete questions #5-16 now. All reflection forms and progress reports must be signed and returned to me no later than Friday. Friday we have an Amnesty Day, which will give you a chance in-class to complete missing work/improve grades you’re not happy with. All missing/make-up work must be turned in by the end of the day on Friday, in order for me to grade and enter by next Wednesday. Once grades are in, you may not make up any work from this 6 weeks.
HOUSEKEEPING This Week: Projects due Today. Common Assessment tomorrow (Thursday). Signed Progress Reports & Grade Reflections due Friday. Amnesty Day in class on Friday. All missing/make-up work due no later than Friday at 3:30 pm. Next Week: Unit 2 starts on Monday. Get a copy of American Born Chinese by Friday, 3/7.