Worldviews & Religion Mr. Blake
Major Faith Systems: Theism - there is a personal God that created and sustains the universe Atheism - denial of the existence of a god or gods Deism - there is a God but he is not intimate Pantheism - god can be found within the world/nature Polytheism - many finite gods who exist in the world
Islam God: One God, who has no son Holy Book: The Quran Name of God: Allah Main Beliefs: The Five Pillars Muslim profession of faith Praying 5 times a day Paying alms to the poor and needy Fasting during Ramadan (June 5- July 5, 2016) Pilgrimage to Mecca “God is not Jesus, and Jesus is not God.” (Quran 5:72) God’s Prophet is Muhammed (Quran 15:9)
Judaism God: One God of the Bible, the Messiah is coming Holy Book: The Torah (Bible’s first five books) Name of God: Jehovah Main Practices: Holy Weeks: Passover (main one) Holy Days: Yom Kippur (main one) Hanukkah - rededication of the Holy Temple Messianic Jews The Maccabee’s - leaders of off branch The Star of David
Christianity God: Triune (Father, Son - Jesus, Holy Spirit) Holy Book: The Bible Name of God: God Main Beliefs: Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary, as both fully God and fully human. Jesus lived a perfect life to mirror the holiness of God, the Father. Jesus died and was resurrected to show God’s power over sin and death. The Holy Spirit descended on mankind.
Hinduism Gods: Devas Holy Book: The 4 Vedas Name of God: Ishvara, Devi, Bhagavan, etc. Main Beliefs: Endless cycles of creation Karma Soul reincarnation Seeks enlightenment All life is sacred Unseen spirit world
Buddhism God: Buddha was not God, nor did he claim to be. Holy Book: The Four Noble Truths & the Eightfold Path Main Beliefs: Wealth doesn’t equal happiness Tolerance of other religions Four Noble Truths: Life is suffering. Suffering is caused by craving & aversion. Suffering can be overcome and happiness attained = NIRVANA The Eightfold paths lead to the end of suffering Refrain from lying, take freely given things, don’t take life, avoid intoxication
Shintoism God: Spirit world, main god “Amaterasu, the sun goddess” Main Beliefs: Honor, dignity, and purity held in high regard - Japanese in origin Prayers to ancestors Worship at shrines Ancestral worship
Rastafarianism God: Judeo-Christian God Holy Book: Holy Piby, the “Black Man’s Bible” Name of God: Jah Main Beliefs: No afterlife Developed in Jamaica in 1920/30 Divinity of Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I Ritual use of marijuana, avoidance of alcohol, dreadlocks, and vegetarianism Equality of all life Resistance of white culture or “Babylon”