Marketing vs. Advertising The best way to distinguish between advertising and marketing is to think of marketing as a pie, inside that pie you have slices of advertising, market research, media planning, public relations, product pricing, distribution, customer support, sales strategy, and community involvement. Advertising only equals one piece of the pie in the strategy. All of these elements must not only work independently but they also must work together towards the bigger goal.
Marketing Marketing: process of planning, pricing, promotion, selling and distributing goods/services. Process Always changing Goods – tangible items that you purchase Car, clothes, food Services – Intangible means you cannot physically touch them. Hair cuts, movies, banks
7 Functions of Marketing Distribution: process of deciding how to get goods in customers hands Truck, rail, ship, air, warehouses Financing: getting money that is necessary for running a business Banks, own money, stocks Marketing Information Management: customer trends & competition
7 Functions of Marketing Pricing: How much to sell your product/service for. Check competitors pricing and own costs Product/Service management: maintaining and improving the products Customer surveys Promotion: how a product/service will be promoted. Radio, tv, Internet Selling: how to sell to customers Selling techniques
Your Task – Part 1 On a word document complete the following: List 4 products you use in your daily life. For each: Price? What is the price? How is it determined? What are competitors prices? Does price affect whether you purchase the product? Product? (4 sentences) A brief description of the product as if you were describing this product to someone. What are it’s benefits? What would make someone want to purchase this item?
Your Task Part 2 SEND to my IN BOX as:INTMKT#1 Promotion? Place? How is this product promoted? Television, radio, billboards, magazine, Internet, social media…. Pick at least 2 ways it’s promoted and list which television or radio station, which magazine, where on the Internet might it be advertised? What is one way they try to get your attention when promoting this product? (words in an ad, actors, etc) Place? Where is this product sold? Specific stores or a physical place (28th Street), website Why do you think it’s sold in that place? Is there another place it could be sold? Summarize each product in your own words answering all the questions. SEND to my IN BOX as:INTMKT#1