10th World Studies 12.05.17 Today’s Agenda: Research Analysis Turn in: Stamp 18.2 Take out : Planner/Calendar Internet Device Writing device Note Cards Today’s Learning Objectives: I can understand how to perform research and create useful notecards. Today’s Agenda: Research Analysis HW: Checkpoint (EOC): 1 (Print) Source 5 Note Cards By Friday: 4 Source Cards 25 Note Cards
“I’m lost…What should I be doing?!?” “Research”: (n) The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. (v) Investigate systematically. “Analysis”: The process of separating something into its constituent elements. detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation.
A Few Points of Interest—WRITE IT DOWN!!! Make sure you understand the directions—read them! Points outside of the directions 25 Note card Minimum—no, you will not use them all in your paper, but this doesn’t mean your efforts are not useful! 4 Source card Minimum—if it’s in your paper, it’s in your Works Cited. The reverse applies as well. Sources need to come from the SHS (KCLS) database—period. End of discussion. I will consider a zero for those that choose to ignore this point. --Wiki, history.com, about.com, princeton.edu (careful!) are all sources that are NOT APPROPRIATE! --I don’t know how to make this any more direct: USE THE DATABASE!!!
Social Studies Evidence & Analysis: what’s the difference from Lit Social Studies Evidence & Analysis: what’s the difference from Lit. Analysis? Q: Do you need a lead-in? A: Technically, no. But, it’s not a terrible idea… Q: How many sentences of analysis do I need? A: For this year, 2 & keep it to 2.
Social Studies Evidence & Analysis Q: Ok, so what’s the first sentence for? A lit. device? A: Uh, no…1st should explain the evidence. Explain is to give details using reasons and causes…this is your context. What is happening surrounding your evidence? What is it’s purpose?
Social Studies Evidence & Analysis Q: Ok, so what about the 2nd sentence of analysis. A: Just as in your Macbeth essay…connect to your thesis. In other words, WHY is your evidence important in proving your thesis?
Social Studies Evidence & Analysis Let’s hear it another way… 1st sentence: tell me what your evidence means. 2nd sentence: tell me why this evidence is important to your thesis.
In almost direct response to Tallyrand’s assertion that females were not suited for education outside the home, Wollstonecraft contended, “The absurd duty, too often inculcated, of obeying a parent only on account of his being a parent, shackles the mind, and prepares it for a slavish submission to any power but reason.” This was an attempt at swaying public opinion on the importance of abandoning the granting of rights based on tradition alone, but instead bestowing them based on logic and reason. This deep belief continued the growing sentiment of the newly-formed women’s movement during the French Revolution An example…could be improved, but certainly attempts the spirit of the Lead-in, using compelling evidence, explaining it’s meaning, and tying back to prove a thesis (which you don’t see…)
6th (Green/1-33) Period during 5th 5th (Blue/35-65) Period during 6th Library for today: 6th (Green/1-33) Period during 5th 5th (Blue/35-65) Period during 6th Topic Print Source Source Card (should also start electronic version that will become your works cited…) Note Cards Other database sources, Source Cards (& e-version), Note Cards Repeat…