February 18, 2014 Matt Creasman Jan Jones


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Presentation transcript:

February 18, 2014 Matt Creasman Jan Jones Content Objective: Participants will synthesize writing to learn information to infuse writing routinely across the curriculum. Literacy Objectives: Use sentence starter, stem or frame to respond. Read and respond to text orally and in writing. Write to Learn Matt February 18, 2014 Matt Creasman Jan Jones

February 18, 2014 Matt Creasman Jan Jones Individual Quick Write: Learning to write means… Writing to learn means… Pair-Share Partner 1: Explain what it means to learn to read Partner 2: Explain what it means to read to learn Write to Learn Matt speak to state assessment expectations, change from No Child Left Behind, excitement of bringing writing back, rigor February 18, 2014 Matt Creasman Jan Jones

Brain Research Why Write? Semantic memory (learned from words) Repeatedly processed for long-term storage to take place Must be stimulated by associations, comparisons, and similarities Learning and Memory: The Brain in Action -Marilee Sprenger Matt Semantic (word) learning is what happens in most standard classrooms. Research shows for this type of learning to be moved to long term memory, it must involve repetition and various associations.

Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards Why Write? Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects 10. Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. 1.-3. Arguments Informative/Explanatory Narratives Matt That research is reflected in the expectations of the standards. Routinely Extended- research papers, essays Shorter- quick writes, sentences, paragraphs Refer to handout of standards for pg. 63 anchor standards. These are the literacy standards for all courses. We should ALL be teaching and using writing in every class on a routine basis.

Research: Dr. Anita Archer Steve Graham Why Write? Research: Dr. Anita Archer Steve Graham Matt These are the resources that the district literacy team has been studying in order to find and develop the curriculum and strategies that we are using. Some are probably familiar to your building. Prominent authors: Anita Archer, Steve Graham

Research from Writing Next Why Write? Research from Writing Next 11 most important ways to improve student writing Writing Strategies Summarization Collaborative Writing Specific Product Goals Word Processing Sentence Combining 7. Prewriting 8. Inquiry Activities 9. Process Writing Approach 10. Study of Models 11. Writing for Content Learning Jan One of those resources says the 11 most important ways to improve student writing is by doing these things in your classroom. Today, we will be doing those in blue.

-Best Practices in Writing Instruction Why Write? The goal of writing to learn is most often to help students better understand concepts and theories in a subject. -Best Practices in Writing Instruction It helps teachers conduct the kind of formative assessment needed to improve student writing without an endless cycle of paperwork.. Jan Good for students to better understand and remember what you are teaching. Good for teachers to see if students are comprehending the information and to make adjustments in instruction as needed. -Core Six: Essential Strategies for Achieving Excellence with the Common Core

How to Teach It Where you spend your energies thinking is what you will remember. -Anita Archer Explicit Instruction Teach the Critical Attributes Provide a Written Example Scaffold Gradual Release of Responsibility Provide feedback Jan We need to teach writing explicitly and support students as we ask them to write. Rigor without support is cruel and unusual punishment. If students are struggling to write, they will spend their energies in that struggle. They will remember they hate writing. If you support their process, they will spend their energies on your content. They will remember your teaching. These are the areas we will be looking at more closely as we talk about teaching writing explicitly.

Teach the Critical Attributes How to Teach It Explicit Instruction Teach the Critical Attributes Teach the Genre What is the genre? KCCRS: Arguments, Informative (Narrative incorporated into argument & informative) Create a student-friendly Rubric Six Traits / Analytical Rating Guide Includes content specifics Standards Includes writing process Introduce only a portion initially Jan Before students can write in a particular domain or type, they need to know the critical attributes of the genre. You don’t have to be an expert in that. Refer to your standards. Details are there. You also don’t have to teach it all at once. Focus on portions. Scaffold their learning of that genre. Another way to teach the critical attributes is to create a teach a student friendly rubric. Considerations for the components of the rubric are the six traits, details of the genre in the standards and the writing process in the standards.

How to Teach It Explicit Instruction Jan This is a basic accountability rubric to be used by students to self check, peer check, and teacher grading. You can also increase the evaluation by changing Y/N to a range of numbers 1-3, 1-5. Start small. Start manageable. Write routinely.

Provide a Written Example How to Teach It Explicit Instruction Provide a Written Example You write what you will assign Grade level example (Optional) non-example Guide students in analyzing a non-example to determine missing attributes Matt Use example #1 Teach using rubric- Scaffold Work thru teaching portion of rubric- Cloze read to underline what looking for 1 We do: Finger on main idea, check partner Underline main idea Rate on rubric Cloze read and check mark what looking for in 2 We do: Read next sentence- check mark if about main idea You do: Do rest on own Choral read 7 Cloze read 9 I do: Circle descriptive words (first 4) We do: finger on next descriptive word, choral response word (do 4 like that) You do rest

Provide Feedback Opportunities How to Teach It Explicit Instruction Provide Feedback Opportunities Students discuss before & after writing Teacher oral & written To Individuals As you circulate and monitor Praise, encourage, correct To Group Observations Student (use rubric) To Self Carefully check against rubric To Partner Focused feedback after you model the feedback procedure Matt We just showed how to teach the rubric. Empathize the work load writing can create. Today we are focusing on ways to make it more manageable and incorporate self and peer edit. Feedback: Facilitators will do this during strategy writing.

“I had students respond in writing to _________ by …” What to Write “I had students respond in writing to _________ by …” Written text Multimedia (visuals, photographs, editorial cartoons, short videos, etc.) Collaborative conversations based on text Completed Graphic Organizers Essential questions Student notes Matt Partner share Think over your last couple weeks of instruction. When did you have students write and what were they responding to (bulleted items). Use the sentence stem to share what they responded to and what you had them write. Example: I had students respond in writing to their graphic organizer by writing a summary.

What to Write Share with partner: “Some struggles I’ve experienced when asking students to write are…” Matt Partner share

Writing is not caught. It must be taught. What to Write Writing is not caught. It must be taught. Strategy: Writing Frames -Anita Archer Scaffold Organization- Writing Frames Have a plan for gradual release of responsibility! Jan Using writing frames like cloze paragraphs and sentence starters is a quick and easy way to support students. It helps them with organization, confidence, academic / coherent writing.

Scaffold Written Product (organization & sentence fluency) What to Write Scaffold Written Product (organization & sentence fluency) Use with beginning writers Use as an accommodation for emerging writers Use to support specialized writing Use to support summarization Use to promote comprehension of material Use to emphasize use of academic language Jan Use writing frames in a variety of ways to support students

Writing Frames - Examples What to Write Writing Frames - Examples #2 beginning writers (basic paragraph) #3 accommodation for emerging writers (state report, mammal report) #4 specialized writing (story problem explanation) #5 summarization narrative (story grammar) #7 comprehension responses #8 academic language Jan Briefly look through examples provided.

Apply It What to Write Read- Mark the text I do We do You do Circle key terms and essential words Underline author’s claims and relevant information to purpose: better understanding of Write to Learn I do We do You do Jan Movement for Differentiation!!! Take your stuff with you to a new seat. 3 greens and 3 yellows at each table. All new table mates. Pinks move to table with your para, Wendy. Best Practices in Writing to Learn article from seminar Mark the Text Facilitators will make sure yellows see to focus on last paragraph. will watch to see when they are finished and hand out the writing frames. Para Wendy will read last paragraph aloud to students and assist them with writing frame. Discuss ways to scaffold after they complete the activity. I do mark the text 1st paragraph, We do 2nd and 3rd, You do 4th I do first 2-3 words, We do with slate boards or with partner, and choral response next 3-4 blanks, We do to finish. I do first, partner do rest with group choral check activity, You do by writing a paraphrase of the paragraph.

Writing is not caught. It must be taught. What to Write Writing is not caught. It must be taught. Strategy: Paragraph Writing -Anita Archer List Cross out Connect Number Write Edit Research- Difficulty students had was putting their plan into text (transcribing it). Matt Research shows students struggle to transcribe their ideas into a coherent piece of writing.

List of Important Ideas What to Write List of Important Ideas Penguin’s Birth Male takes care of egg Female lays egg Female leaves Female spends winter at sea The water is cold Male puts egg on his feet under bell Male stays on egg for two months Male doesn’t eat Egg hatches Male must care for baby Matt

What to Write Cross-out unnecessary or weak ideas Connect ideas that could go in one sentence Penguin’s Birth Male takes care of egg Female lays egg Female leaves Female spends winter at sea The water is cold Male puts egg on his feet under bell Male stays on egg for two months Male doesn’t eat Egg hatches Male must care for baby Matt

Number order they will appear in paragraph What to Write Number order they will appear in paragraph Penguin’s Birth Male takes care of egg Female lays egg Female leaves Female spends winter at sea The water is cold Male puts egg on his feet under bell Male stays on egg for two months Male doesn’t eat Egg hatches Male must care for baby 3 1 2 Matt 4 5 6

Write a Summary What to Write The birth process of penguins is fascinating and quite different from that of other animals. The female penguin lays an egg. Soon after laying the egg, the female penguin leaves and spends the winter in the sea. Meanwhile, the male must take care of the egg. For two months, he places the egg on his feet under his belly. During this time, the male penguin doesn’t eat. Even after the baby penguin hatches, the male penguin continues to take care of the infant penguin. Matt

What to Write Apply It Brainstorm: List of critical actions / components about using Write to Learn Jan List the critical actions/components that you have learned today about using writing to learn Differentiate –pair green and yellow Brainstorm with partner-Green & Yellow Pink aloud with Wendy. We do- facilitators circulate and get more ideas to share. Show idea and name on doc cam Cross-out I do-Cross out one idea. We: You do w/ Partner: Look through your list and cross out ideas that are not supporting topic Connect- I do-Make a connection. We: You do w/ Partner. I do: Number- first idea We: number with partner Write- I do- Write first sentence that you numbered. You do: ready to write paragraph individually (we do has been done thru-out with partner discussion)