UNIVERSITY SUPPORT AND Work Force Development Program Leadership Development Workshop Follow-up Ministry of Higher Education Dr. Ray McCarthy
Welcome! Dr. Ray McCarthy
Today’s Agenda Welcome Leadership Toolbox Concept Mapping Team Concept Map to Vision Statement Action Plan Reflection Next Steps
Meeting Strategic Plan’s GOAL Meeting Strategic Plan’s Goals Leadership Segue into Concept mapping
Leader’s Tool Box (Dr. Joe Berger, Often) “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to treat every problem as if it were a nail.” (Maslow, 1966)
Leader’s Tool Box Venn Why? Diagram Action Plan
Transformational Leadership Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes (Rost, 1991, p. 102) Management is an authority relationship between at least one manager and one subordinate who coordinate their activities to produce and provide particular goods and/or services (Rost, 1991, p. 145)
The Golden Circle Why How What Why? (Sinek, 2009) Great quote: “Followers want to follow those who lead” (Sinek, 2009)
The Six Secrets of Change (Fullan, 2008)
The Six Secrets of Change Respect and Support your Staff Groups Matter—all the Way Down Build Capacity Capacity Building—Delegation (Fullan, 2008)
The Six Secrets of Change Respect and Support your Staff Groups Matter—all the Way Down Build Capacity Learning IS the Key to Success Transparency is Essential Organizations can Continuously Improve (Fullan, 2008)
Your Team’s Goal: A Vision Statement Concept Mapping Your Team’s Goal: A Vision Statement Goal: Vision Statement ? ? Discuss then break into the 2 teams
Concept Mapping Parks, J. (2009). The Parksonian Concept Map. An unpublished concept map used with permission. Lanzing, J. (2007). The Concept Mapping Homepage Concept Mapping Student Support funding Interventions for struggling students Outdated technology Using available technologies well Limited professional development opportunities Diversity Inclusion Deteriorating facilities Options Discuss the concept then Flip chart an example regarding the purpose of Higher Education as a group Not addressing the needs of most talented students POLITICS Curriculum design Contractual obligations Recognizing need for community support Based on analyzed data UBD, backwards design Improve effective use of personnel Alliances
Concept Mapping: Vision for the Future Discuss the concept then Flip chart an example regarding the purpose of Higher Education as a group. Discuss; Stress that it is the unknown data that is most important See thte detective in the next slide.
Concept Mapping Why Who What Where When How
Feedback on Concept Mapping? A Concept Map Is a great conceptual tool for brainstorming Allows for open discussion Facilitates full participation Shows trends visually Highlights areas that need more study Points out strengths and opportunities Let the participants note the benefits before the confirmation in the animations (on white board or just verbally?)
Your Team’s Goal: A Vision Statement Concept Mapping Your Team’s Goal: A Vision Statement Goal: Vision Statement ? ? Discuss then break into the 2 teams
Why! Concept Mapping Beliefs Tasks Stakeholders Vison Successes What S.W.O.T. Questions? Where When How What Who Tasks Why! Stakeholders
Team Assignment: Create your Team’s Concept Map Report Out 20 minutes Add Animation
Leadership Principles Vision Inspiring Innovative Change to Attain the Vision
Reaching your GOAL
S.W.O.T. Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Action Plan A Document that Lists a Sequence of Steps that Must Be Performed Well, For A Strategy To Succeed; that is to attain your Goal. Three Major Elements Specific Tasks: What Will be done and by Whom. Deadline: When Will It Be Done. Resource Allocation: What Specific Funds and Time Are Available for Specific Activities
Specific Goal Specific Tasks Resource Allocation Deadline EXAMPLE
Action Plan
Specific Tasks 5 Ws & an H* Who is Responsible? What Specifically is to be Done? Where will this be Done? When do we need it by? How will this be done? Who Checks that it is Done? (McCarthy, often)
Action Plan Team Work Time
Action Plan Report Out
What are your next steps? Skype Sessions 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months 4 Months 5 Months 6 Months
Reflection on Today’s Experiences
Celebrate our Success! Certificates