Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Copy the following word on your paper: E L E M E N T Use the golden sheet and the rules for chunking words in to their parts to slash the word apart. (Begin by circling the vowel sounds.)
Read the following paragraph Read the following paragraph. Use context clues to write a meaning for the word ELEMENT. When trying to stop bullying, a basic element is needed: Everyone must be treated with respect. When kids don’t have respect modeled for them by others, bullying behavior might be the result.
When trying to stop bullying, a basic element is needed: Everyone must be treated with respect. When kids don’t have respect modeled for them by others, bullying behavior might be the result. Using context clues, which of the following words/ phrases matches the meaning of element? Whole Everything Part Minor piece
Agenda: Warm-Up: Vocabulary Fluency: Section C Mini-Lesson: Central Idea: Which details support the central idea? Work Period: Achieve 3000 Complete: Try, Try Again Caring for Dolphins and More Save the Rhinos A Last Look at Amelia Earhart Begin: The First Contest Was No Contest What Happens to Old Computers Plan Helps Companies, Animals, and the Planet Closing: Two things you learned about life from the Achieve articles?
Paragraph 9 The ruler of the Nazi party believed he was better than another race of people, and he wanted to become the most powerful person in the world. He set out to kill everyone who he thought was weaker than he was. He began with the Jewish people. This resulted in an event of history called the Holocaust. He arranged the killing of about 6,000,000 Jewish people in Europe. Before he was stopped, millions of Jewish people had been murdered by the Nazis. Central Idea: Millions of people died as a result of one man who believed he was better than others. Choose three of the following support the central idea? A. He set out to kill everyone who he thought was weaker than he was. B. He wanted to become the most powerful person in the world. C. The ruler of the Nazi party believed he was better than another race of people. D. The Holocaust was an event in history. E. Europe allowed the killing of millions of Jewish people.
Work Period: Achieve 3000 Complete: Try, Try Again Caring for Dolphins and More Save the Rhinos A Last Look at Amelia Earhart Begin: The First Contest Was No Contest What Happens to Old Computers Plan Helps Companies, Animals, and the Planet
Closing: Write two facts that you learned from the Achieve articles.