HPWB Human Performance and Well Being Ch. 1 Mr. Flores
Definitions: Health is defined as the well-being of the body and mind. When the body and mind function properly, you are considered to be in a state of good health. Each area can affect the other. Physical Fitness/ Health is defined as the body’s ability to function efficiently. Mental Health is defined as the mind’s ability to function normally, understanding that humans experience different emotions. Social Health is defined as the ability to interact and maintain positive relationships with others.
WELLNESS Your “Total Health” is the best way to define wellness. Every decision you make can impact your health negatively or positively. Good habits now can have a positive impact on your life-long wellness. “Life-long” implies that it’s not just important while you’re young, but even as you age through the years!!!!
The Health Pyramid (pg. 5) Physical (ex. Fitness) Mental (ex. Emotions) Social (ex. Relationships)
Examples of Physical Fitness Component Running Swimming Biking Football Basketball Baseball Ballet Etc.
Examples of the Mental Fitness Component: Happiness Sadness Anger Frustration Joy Fear Other Emotions.
Examples of the Social Fitness component: Healthy relationships Friends Family Good Communication Etc.
What is the importance of one’s health? On a scale of 1-10, rate your answer. 1 is not important, 10 is very important. not important Very important
Lesson 2 (Teen Changes pg. 9) Adolescence- the period of life between childhood and adulthood. Hormones- chemicals produced by the glands that regulate various body functions. They can affect the way you think and feel. Examples can be mood swings, new feelings toward others, increased romantic interest (dating), increased interest in what’s important to you (friends, family, school, hobbies, etc.).
Lesson 3 (Taking Responsibility pg. 14) Lifestyle factors- behaviors and habits that affect our health. Risk behavior- behaviors that can cause injury or harm to self or others. Sedentary lifestyle- little to no physical activity. Cumulative risks- risky behaviors that can add up (ex. Riding a bike with no helmet on a busy street while under the influence…..) Precaution- planned action that can help minimize risk. Abstinence- avoiding risky behaviors.
Continuation: Attitude- your feelings and beliefs, how you feel about issues. Self-control- ability to control your feelings and emotions (ex. Instead of slamming a door, you choose to take a walk. Mature attitude and showing self-control is an indicator you are ready to take on more responsibility. *Explain how attitude and self-control can allow you to take on more responsibility.