Starter What is contour line? Draw an example of a contour line object. What was you ode poem about last time? Draw a picture of the object your poem was about.
Art B Contour line and tape
Agenda Go over what we did last time. Talk about our poems from last time. Demonstration on how to draw in contour line than tape the design. Finish lightly drawing your contour line object onto your final paper. Begin taping your contour line drawing.
Last time Last time in class we learned about poetry. Than we all created our own ode poem to an object that is important to us. Than we learned about contour line drawings and we demonstrated our understanding of these with a worksheet. Lastly we started drawing our contour line art.
Work Time Everyone draw their objects lightly onto their papers first. Than they will use the masking tape and X-acto knives to cut the tape to the size of lines they need. Everyone will tape their design lines.