Sketchbook Page 8 How to draw a tree What is something unique you want to put into your tree house. Look at the trees below, draw one of these trees or a tree of your own design.
Two Point Perspective tree house Drawing II Adding your tree Two Point Perspective tree house
Bell Work Review How to draw a tree. How to shade a tree.
Agenda Go over what we did last time Demonstration on how to draw a tree. Add your tree to your 4-6 cut outs and your 8-10 boxes you completed last time. Exit questions
Last Time We had a review on how to make a cut out into a box. We went over how to shade a box. You were given the task of 4-6 cut outs onto your paper. Each of you turned in your papers with the 4-6 cut outs at least with the 8-10 boxes from before.
Project 2-point: Examples
Studio Time Finish your 4-6 cut outs if you have not already. Draw your tree and start adding details to your tree house. Once done you can begin coloring or shading (both need to show light and shadows).
Ticket out of class First & last name on your large paper At least 8 boxes in 2 point perspective on your large paper with a light sketch of a tree. At least 4 cut outs in those boxes. Also done in 2 point perspective. A tree of some sort in your image. You should be started shading.