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Presentation transcript:

For Question 1 you can be asked to produce a number of different types of text, including: Newspaper article Magazine article Short story Descriptive writing Speech Diary/journal entry You must use ideas from the material you have just read. You do not “quote” them, but you make them part of your answer.

Speeches/talks They should do 2 things at the beginning: Make it obvious that it’s a talk Introduce the talk/show what it’s about e.g. I know you’re all here with me today to find out…

What training and preparation should take place Using information from the text They will give you 3 bullet points to cover. If you do not use a roughly equal spread between all 3 you won’t get more than half marks. You cannot ignore the 3rd bullet. What training and preparation should take place The conditions climbers can expect on Mount Everest The benefits and rewards of taking on this challenge inhospitable terrain and the physical demands of climbing at altitude

Suppose you have found the quotation below and you know it is something you should discuss. How do you use it without quoting? What training and preparation should take place The conditions climbers can expect on Mount Everest The benefits and rewards of taking on this challenge “inhospitable terrain and the physical demands of climbing at altitude” Now, I know you probably think you know just how tough it’s going to be when climbing Everest, but you really have no idea. The terrain is like something from another planet – it’s almost impossible to get over. And you’re going to need to be extraordinarily fit. It’s tougher than a marathon and you’re going straight up into the heavens. You must be in peak condition, else quite simply you might not survive. Describes how it is inhospitable. Explains what the physical demands are like

These are the points from the mark scheme These are the points from the mark scheme. Ask yourself – what would that mean? How can I give an example? What would the consequences be? Candidates might use the following ideas   What training and preparation should take place Climbing other mountains Climbing in similar conditions i.e. snow and ice Purchase/acquisition of appropriate equipment to high specification Physical training to improve fitness Climbing at altitude so that the body can be accustomed to lower levels of oxygen Costings /financial planning Planning a route Ensuring you have a guide Contingency plan for unexpected events or accidents The conditions climbers can expect on Everest Snow and blizzards Difficult/inhospitable terrain Dangerous cracks in glacial ice Sudden and unexpected changes in weather conditions Extreme conditions such as freezing fog Altitude sickness/oxygen deprivation Freeing/sub-zero temperatures Very powerful winds The benefits and rewards of taking on this challenge Sense of personal achievement Improved physical fitness and health Status of being someone who has climbed Everest Seeing natural beauty at its best Developing high levels of resilience Working as part of a team