You’re Accused! Life in 1692
It’s 1692-1693 in Massachusetts Bay Colony … Setting the Scene ... It’s 1692-1693 in Massachusetts Bay Colony … ...more than 200 people are accused of practicing witchcraft ... … the results … ... 20 people are executed!
Keeping a Focus … A good detective looks at all the clues/evidence when analyzing a crime A good historian also takes into account every angle when analyzing historical events Time is limited - we are going to divide and conquer the work, then share our findings
The Big Idea … Think Like a Historian! You will collect evidence to support your response to the following question: What does thinking like a Historian involve? Why is it important to think like a Historian and see the big picture of historical events? To include information from all areas of research and consider all viewpoints when analyzing History? Learning Target: I can analyze multiple texts in order to make connections between individuals, ideas, and events of the colonial time period.
STEP 1 - Bellwork ... On your worksheet, brainstorm everything you can remember about the Puritans, Massachusetts Bay Colony/Salem, Colonial Economies, Society, who had the power in Massachusetts, role of Govt. & Religion You will have 30 seconds!
STEP 2 - Collecting Evidence ... You are in your assigned groups One designated member of each group will be the typer; your group will use their second Chrome Books and any print resources for research - PICK who will be the typer now & have them open the shared Google Doc - the rest of the group open up the list of resources Your group will researching one assigned aspect* of the Salem Witch Trials Your group will publish your information onto a collaborative Google Doc. The shared Google Doc will give everyone access to every aspect of the Trials so we can develop the big picture * Aspect = The Accusers, Geography, Religion, Politics, The Accused, Symptoms & Evidence, Daily Life/Social Interactions, Timeline of Events (before, during, after trials)
Group Assignments... GROUP 1- The Accusers 2 - Geography 3 - Religion 4 - Politics 5 - About the Accused 6 - Symptoms & Evidence 7 - Daily Life/Social Interactions 8 - Timeline of Events (before, during, after trials)
The Resources You May Use... (religion, economy, people, 6 min. videoclip to give overview) (chronology = timeline, primary sources) (overview of Salem Witchtrials) (evidence then vs. now) (interactive map) (article by Linnda Caporael) (interview of Linnda Caporael - researcher) (map with index of what quadrant individuals lived in) (data sets,maps, etc. - will apply to all groups) (primary source - petition - about the accused) (causes & events) (daily Life, geography, causes)
The Timetable for Today... Introduction to task 5 minutes Research / Collaboration 30 minutes Debrief / Exit Slip Clean-up 2 minutes
STEP 3 - Exit Slip... On the bottom of your worksheet, brainstorm what you know now about the Salem Witch Trials that you didn’t know at the beginning of class
STEP 4 - You worked hard … now show what you know! Analyze the Google Doc as a class and discuss our findings
STEP 4 - You worked hard … now show what you know! On the back of your worksheet, start a one full page reflection to respond to our essential question. What does thinking like a Historian involve? Why is it important to think like a HIstorian and see the big picture of historical events? To include information from all areas of research and consider all viewpoints? Cite details and evidence from our experience with today’s Salem Witch Trials research.
STEP 5 - Debrief / Share ... What did you like about the lesson? Why? What did you dislike or find difficult about the lesson? Why?