CHAPTER 11 LESSON 3 Because of its geography, Greece developed into separate and independent city-states. The colonies around the Med. Also were city-states 700 BC CS were established. Greek word for CS is “polis” Size of CS lim b/c of mtns. Most had fewer than 20,000 peop. Largest and most powerful-Athens and Sparta
Center of city life was Agora-business, public gatherings, politics, festivals, athletic contests. Statues & public bldngs around agora Many cities had a fortified hilltop called acropolis. First, was for defense, later temples and palaces built there. Forms of government, each CS dev ind and w/own form of govt: Monarchy-rule by a king or queen passed down through family Aristocracy-Rule by few upper class nobility. Rule based on noble birth
Oligarchy-Rule by the few but can be landed and wealthy, do not have to be noble Tyrants-one who takes power in an illegal way (2day=negative and cruel) in ancient Greece, neutral (not necessarily negative) Champion for the poor The poor helping tyrants to power made them realize they should have a say in govt. Citizen=A person who is loyal to a govt and protected by govt. NOT loyal to a person. In Greece, a cit born to parents who were free citizens. Beg only upper class cit had power, then lower class cit beg demanding power
500s bc the poor were not able to pay debts or work out of poverty 500s bc the poor were not able to pay debts or work out of poverty. Many became slaves. Began to resent rulers Solon elected to lead Athens-reformer. -Not citizen can b/c slave -org cit into 4 classes based on wealth -allowed all cit to serve in assembly (before, just nobles) -Allowed all cit to elect leaders Cleisthenes took reforms further, basing classes on where people lived, not wealth
Democracy is when citizens make decisions for the governing of the society. Dem in Athens was DIRECT DEMOCRACY (all citizens vote for all political decisions) Indirect democracy (republic) where cit elect representatives to vote for them. (U.S.) Even though Athenian dem was direct, it was limited by eligibility. Only free, adult males were citizens….allowed to vote