Ancient Greek Geography Rough mountains, narrow valleys and no navigable rivers Long coastline with many inlets and bays The Aegean Sea and the Black Seas united the Greek people
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The Sea Shaped the Greek civilization the same way it did with the Indian, Egyptian and Chinese cultures. Linked most sections of Greece as well as linking Greece to other societies which helped because Greece was poor in natural resources.
The Land Home to Mt. Olympus which was thought to be the “Home of the Gods”. Rugged mountainous terrain made traveling to neighboring city states “polis” difficult.
The People Roughly 2 million people lived here, but Greece could not produce enough food to feed everyone. Biggest crops: grapes, grain, barley and olives. All which grow well in the Mediterranean climates.
The Greek Culture
Minoans 1500B.C. Lived on the largest island in the Greek isle called Crete. They delighted in beauty and nature. Very progressive with many cognitive actions. Even had indoor plumbing!
Minoan Women Surprisingly, women enjoyed a level of social equality which was rarely found in the ancient world. Their religion was matriarchal in its basis.
Mycenae cont Influenced Greek core religious practice, art, politics, and literature.
The Trojan War 1200B.C. May be an actual war or series of wars. Based on Greek Legend. Ultimately, Mycenaeans are weakened because of the warfare.