By the Banks of the Indus Unit 4 Lesson 10 By the Banks of the Indus Materials Warm Up OLS Unit 4 Lesson 10 Textbook pages 129-131 Student pages 119 You have all of the materials you need for the project! TRUE False
Civilization Spreads: EGYPTIAN NEWSPAPER EDITORIAL EGYPTIAN PROJECT Civilization Spreads: EGYPTIAN NEWSPAPER EDITORIAL For this assignment you will be given a Power Point template that you may manipulate to create a desired front page newspaper spread Pyramids at Giza Being Built DUE: Wednesday NOVEMBER 5th Interview with a Pharaoh Check your kmail to find the materials!! Life for an Egyptian
Student Expectations… Here’s what I expect you to do as a part of this class. When we all do these things we’ll have an awesome class! I will respond when my name is called. I will respond to polling prompts. I will ask and answer questions. I will complete class work, take notes, submit exit tickets. I will collaborate in groups if placed into breakout rooms. I will demonstrate respect for my classmates and teachers. Have students raise their hands to show that they agree w/ and understand the “Terms” Marking yourself “away” means you are not in class and will miss important parts of the lesson. EVERYONE needs a working mic. Call 1-866-K12-care if it’s not working. Let’s get it fixed!
OBJECTIVES STANDARDS ESSENTIAL QUESTION Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history. • Belief systems and religions • Commerce and industry • Technology • Politics and government • Physical and human geography • Social organizations Identify on a map the Indus River and major physical features of the South Asian subcontinent. Identify on a map the modern countries through which the Indus River flows. Explain how the people of the Indus River Valley relied on and used the Indus to create a civilization. ESSENTIAL QUESTION What qualities that made the Indus Valley Civilization successful have we seen in other Ancient Civilizations?!
MAP OF RIVER VALLEYS Ask the students to identify where Sumer, The Pyramids, and the location of this lessons river valley are located
CIVILIZATION ON THE INDUS The early inhabitants of the Indus Valley planned cities with grid-like streets, developed sophisticated water systems, and built large buildings. The availability of water and fertile land gave the inhabitance a chance to break free of the hunter-gather life via surplus food. Why did ancient civilizations build complex societies in river valleys?
What other two systems of writing have we discussed so far this year? CIVILIZATION ON THE INDUS Like the Sumerians and Egyptians, they developed a complex system of writing that has yet to be understood. Cuneiform and hieroglyphics What other two systems of writing have we discussed so far this year?
The Indian Subcontinent
SUBCONTINENT?! India is a country in which continent? A large landmass, such as India, that is part of a continent but is considered either geographically or politically as an independent entity. Asia
GEOGRAPHY OF THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT The Indian Subcontinent juts out from Asia. The modern countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan are located there. The Southern tip stretches out into the Indian Ocean. Home to one and a half billon people (1 out of every 5 people on Earth today)
THE PEOPLE OF THE INDUS RIVER VALLEY Farmers used irrigation canals much like the people of Mesopotamia to grow crops like Wheat, Barley, and a variety of fruits. They domesticated animals like cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, water buffalo
THE INDUS RIVER VALLEY PEOPLE More than 300 cities and towns sprang up in the valley of the Indus River. Mohenjo-Daro Harappa
Zebu! Weird Indus Valley Animal! FOLLOWING UP! Tonight: Do the unit 4 lesson 10 assessment Work on the Egypt Project For Tomorrow: We will continue talking about Indus Valley Pgs. 131-134 Coming up: You’re project is due next week! Zebu! Weird Indus Valley Animal!