Social Action Presentation Zachary Mitchell
Fitness for purpose What was the original purpose of the social action film? Raise awareness Gain support Fulfil demands Is the final product fit for this purpose? Sharing Opinions are what gain support With enough of the above...
Clarity of communication What was the message of the film? Michael Gove = bad Demand: “Michael Gove must spend a minimum of 1 month as a full-time teacher in a comprehensive school before he may continue having any influence on education in this country.” How clearly was the message communicated to the audience? Up to you! Very clearly. Being intense and dramatic helped.
Appropriateness to audience Who was the original target audience for the film? Anyone and everyone in education. Teachers Students Governors Michael Gove himself Is the final product appropriate for this audience? Concise; clear; presents valid points; expresses popular opinions.
Compared with original intentions My original intentions and ideas for this social action film Originally unbiased! Big change. Necessary. Scarcely any footage of supporters – had to adapt. Message remained same. Length remained same. Most interviews carried out. Working as a group. Did not happen.
Effectiveness of techniques What techniques I’ve used in the social action, and how successful they’ve been. Raising awareness – sharing and promoting. Strong, popular opinions – people can agree. Provide information – increased knowledge.
Effectiveness of content How effective the content of my film is Well timed All footage is relevant Logically organised Good soundtrack Great interviews
Impact of work Who I’ve shown my social action video to Friends and family, classmates Why I chose these people to show the work to Family all have strong opinions Friends give encouraging support! Classmates directly involved – good for feedback What impact has your work had upon the people who have watched it? Increased knowledge Impressed with the editing Support – all have agreed with its message
Technical qualities Technical standard of me and my group’s recording of footage and sound for the video, and what could have been improved. Very poor quality of footage; audio and visual. Needed a tripod and windshield. Re-recorded a lot of footage for myself after my suggested ‘take-two’ was opposed. No insert links provided – had to find it myself. Group work can be tedious How well I edited the film using Premiere Pro Personally, best edit ever. Sharp, exciting, interesting, good levels, powerful and clever transitions (newspaper swipe; zooming in with music), shows my knowledge of Premiere Pro. Very happy.
Aesthetic qualities Does the film look how I wanted it to? Original footage was appalling. Re-recorded. Lighting was then crisp and bright, shots in focus, sound far clearer and mise-en-scene more appropriate. Green screen looks great. Editing of images and footage is aesthetically pleasing because I re-scaled and positioned every individual shot meticulously. Also used key frames with the scale and positioning which looks very professional. I applied several effects including: Lens flare (intro) – personal film intro. Looks professional. Alpha Glow – titles made more intense. EQ – noise hiss and hum on interviews – removed. Chroma-Key – green screen shots edited to high standard. ‘Frame within a frame’ with TV – difficult but looks great Gaussian Blur – first interviewee identity withheld by blurring.