Texas and One-Term Presidents
Staking out new land…
Claiming independence for Texas
Everyone wanted Texas Pres Everyone wanted Texas Pres. John Quincy Adams offered $1 million for it Pres. Andrew Jackson offered $5 million But the newly independent country of Mexico was not interested in selling Mexico did allow Americans to settle there
In 1821, a Connecticut man named Moses Austin contracted with Mexico to bring 300 American families to an area near San Antonio. Moses Austin died shortly afterwards, but his son Stephen took over and led the settlers to the area in 1823.
By 1834, Austin’s colony had 20,000 white colonists and 2,000 slaves That was four times the number of Mexicans in Texas
Slavery was abolished in Mexico in 1831, but Austin ignored the law, as well as the one requiring the settlers to convert to Roman Catholicism The settlers began thinking of themselves less as Mexican subjects and more as a cross between Mexicans and Texans – or Texians, as they called themselves
The area began to attract restless and sometimes lawless Americans who were not as peaceful as the Austin group.
Sam Houston (a soldier and good friend of Andrew Jackson’s) The Bowie brothers (Louisiana slave smugglers who designed an impressive long knife that bore their name) Davy Crockett (a Tennessee ex-congressman and daredevil back-woodsman)
In 1835, Mexican Pres. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna proclaimed a new constitution that eliminated any special privileges for Texas, and the Texians declared their independence
They kicked the Mexican soldiers out of the garrison (police force) at San Antonio A force of 187 Texians and American volunteers set up a fort in an old mission called the Alamo
On March 6, 1836 after a 13-day siege and a brief predawn battle, Santa Anna’s army of about 5,000 overran the Alamo, despite heavy Mexican losses, and killed all of its defenders
The victory accomplished little for Santa Anna, but “Remember the Alamo” became a rallying for Texians. Six weeks after the Alamo fell, an army led by Sam Houston surprised, defeated, and captured Santa Anna at the San Jacinto River
Texas ratified a constitution that included slavery and waited to be annexed to the United States. Jackson was in no hurry He did not want a war with Mexico
Jackson did formally recognize Texas on his last day in office (March 1837) It was not until December 1845 that the Lone Star Republic became the Lone Star State
Changing it up at president
In the 16 years between 1820 – 1836, America had three presidents In the 8 years between 1836 – 1844, America had three presidents
Martin Van Buren. First president born under the U. S. flag Martin Van Buren **First president born under the U. S. flag **New York lawyer and governor **“the Little “Magician” for his political skills (helped elect Jackson) **Jackson’s secretary of state & vice-president
Van Buren took office just as the Panic of 1837 and its economic recession hit the country The recession lasted most of his term He was blamed for it
In his re-election (1840), he ran against the Whig William Henry Harrison (who he had defeated in 1836)
William Henry Harrison William Henry Harrison **defeated Tecumseh at the Battle of Tippecanoe Creek in 1811 **moderately wealthy Virginian farmer **portrayed as a tough frontiersman **“Old Tippecanoe” squashed Van Buren
At his inauguration on March 4, 1841, a hatless 68-year old Harrison gave a long speech in a pouring rainstorm He fell ill with pneumonia and died a month later First president to die in office
John Tyler (Harrison’s newly elected Whig VP becomes president) Only sitting president thrown out of his own political party when he refused to go along with Whig policies in Congress and vetoed many Whig bills In 1844, Tyler started his own political party so he could run again, but decided against it
In 1844, the Whigs put up Henry Clay (he had been running for president unsuccessfully for the last 20 years!) the Democrats nominated a dark horse, or surprise candidate, in James K. Polk of Tennessee Polk was a follower of Andrew Jackson Polk was called “Young Hickory”
Polk won a close election His promises: **acquire California from Mexico **settle dispute with England over the Oregon border **lower the tariff **not seek a second term He kept all of his promises