Yesenia Estrada Fresno Pacific University Starfall Yesenia Estrada Fresno Pacific University
What is Star Fall? Educational website that helps children with the fundamentals of learning: reading, basic math, shapes, social science and phonics. Curriculum that can be used by teachers, as well as a free app that can be downloaded. It can be accessed free online with limited content. For complete software the cost is different depending on type of membership. -Home membership $35 - Teacher’s Membership $70 -Classroom Membership $150 -School Membership $270
Preschool Foundation areas Language and Literacy 1.Listening and Speaking -1.0 Language and Conventions -2.0 Vocabulary -3.0 Grammar 2.Reading -1.0 Concepts about Print -2.0 Phonological Awareness -3.0 Alphabetics and Word/ Print Recognition
Preschool Foundation Areas Contd. Mathematics 1.Number Sense -1.0 Children begin to understand #’s and quantities… 2. Geometry -1.0 Children begin to identify and use common shapes…
Framework for selecting programs Rating Scale Content Method Rating -28 Relateable activity to home and community. Discusses holidays, has multicultural books, and has non- violent content.) Technology Design Issues -11 Can be operated independently, and is safe for the age level intended. Computer Software Design Issues -15 Picture clues with words, children can navigate easily, and design is attractive to children. The program cannot be used in more than one language.
Activities in Starfall All about Me Activity -Children get to make a book about them, by answering questions such as gender, age, and they get to choose skin eyes, and hair color also if they wear glasses. Colors -Reviews colors with pictures and words Songs -Has various popular songs and some dances.