SAT Essay Tip #1 Take 2 minutes and make an outline Paragraph 1 – The Main Idea (including a Thesis Statement) Paragraph 2 – Supporting Paragraph #1 (Point A) Paragraph 3 – Supporting Paragraph #2 (Point B) Paragraph 4 – The Concrete Conclusion (re-connecting to the Thesis) **To create a thesis statement, just turn the question into a statement
Sample #1 DIRECTIONS: Please explain the following quote and whether or not you agree or disagree with the statement. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Two-Minute General Outline: Paragraph 1 – You must care about something in order to really create greatness. Paragraph 2 – I agree, being negative will never result in producing amazing results Paragraph 3 – Examples exist everywhere proving this point Paragraph 4 – Without genuine passion, excellence is unattainable.
Sample #2 DIRECTIONS: Please explain the following quote and whether or not you agree or disagree with the statement. The person who lies for you will lie against you. (Harry Truman) Two-Minute General Outline: Paragraph 1 – A liar is a liar. Paragraph 2 – Betrayal will eventually happen. Paragraph 3 – Honesty is a principle without exception. Paragraph 4 – People who lie for you reveal their true character so beware.
SAT Essay Tip #2 There are 3 Major Types of Support in the Excellent Essay: Logical reasoning. EX: If THIS happens, then THAT will be the result. Personal Examples. EX: Once, when I was younger, I learned THIS the hard way. Specific, vivid details. EX: Green slime oozed from the nostril of the dead gazelle
SAT Essay Tip #3 ALWAYS use a personal example Test Graders want to see the generalities of the ideas you write about exemplified through concrete, real-life examples taken from your own personal experience. Your own life. A friend’s life. A family member’s life.
SAT Essay Tip #5 Include the opposition’s side (and counter it?) Good phrases to incorporate in Paragraph 3: However… On the other hand… Another way of looking at this is… Opponents might say… While most may agree, there are others who feel…
SAT Tip # 6 ALWAYS include a conclusion!!!! Techniques a student can use to craft a strong conclusion. Restate and re-affirm your position. Offer a solution to a problem. Make a recommendation for a course of action. Summarize your major points. Restate your thesis.
DON’T’s for the conclusion… Start talking about new points and side issues that haven’t been mentioned in the essay prior to this paragraph. Give the reader a sense that the essay might go on and may not be finished with yet. Use weak, soft language that doesn’t really make a point about anything in particular. Doesn’t leave an impression that the author of the essay has any particular belief about the subject matter being discussed. Draws no connection to the thesis statement.
Example In conclusion, teenage drivers are dangerous after dark and should be prohibited from taking the wheel at night. Too many pieces of evidence demonstrate that their general recklessness presents real peril after the sun has set. Stopping them from taking the road doesn’t just protect them, it protects all of us.
SAT Essay Tip # 7 Give your strongest argument first Each paragraph should make a specific, solid point. Each sentence should make a specific, solid point that relates to the overall, specific, solid point of the paragraph. Use your best first
SAT Essay Tip #8 Write neatly and correctly If you have time, proofread Write neatly. If they can’t read it, they can’t score it Don’t use words you don’t know Avoid slang
Paragraph 1: Main Idea Includes a Thesis Statement Paragraph 2 : Topic Sentence – Point A Supported by Vivid Details and/or a Personal example Paragraph 3: Topic Sentence – Point B – Opposite/Different Perspective from Point A Supported by: Vivid Details and/or a Personal example Paragraph 4: Strong Conclusion Connects back to the Thesis Statement Plus, you have… Addressed what the question has asked you to address. Used a uniquely personal example from your own life to illustrate an idea. Used vivid language and specific sensory details. Made simple, strong and straightforward points. Shown a clear Point of View in your essay. Avoided B.S. Properly punctuated your essay. Used proper grammar throughout your essay. Done a solid job of spelling almost all words correctly. Capitalized and Indented. Tried to write legibly. Avoided slang. Proofread your work.