9th Grade Week 6 Agenda & Obj. 10/7-10/11 Monday: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text… connotative… By the end of Gr.9, read and comprehend literature… Tuesday: Comprehension/Novel Study Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development… Analyze how complex characters… develop… Wednesday: Grammar & Writing Write routinely over extended time frames… and shorter time frames… for range… Thursday & Friday: Comprehension/Novel Study/Vocab 9.5 Informational text objectives
Daily Writing: You’re Hired! 10/07/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: You’ve been hired to lure tourists into your town/city by writing a travel brochure. Write about your town, making it sound as thrilling and scenic as you can. You’ve been hired to convince others to attend your favorite movie, or play, or game (sports included). Write a commercial to entice others to buy a ticket. Planner Due tomorrow: Read chpt. 4-7 & finish ?s
Volunteers to be a student teacher tomorrow for chapter 4-7? Monday: Quiz & TKMB 4-7 Volunteers to be a student teacher tomorrow for chapter 4-7? Take quiz on ?s from chapters 1-3 and chance to add points to vocab (vocab words from chapters 1-3 AND 4-7) and context clues quiz for the next chapters. When you’re done: Raise your hand and I’ll collect it. Work on study guide questions 4-7 due tomorrow.
Daily Writing: Sleepy 10/08/13 Explain with detail: Imagine that you pulled an all-nighter. Now you’re in first period and you can barely stay awake. Write a narrative in the first person (using the pronoun “I”) about why you stayed up all nigh, how you feel now, and what you’re doing to stay awake in class. Planner Due tomorrow: TKMB Vocab 8-9 Due Thursday: Narrative Extra Credit Due Friday: Read chpt. 8-9 & finish ?s
Tuesday: Writing & Novel Study Show me your ?s chpt 4-7 Notebook title: General comments on narrative essays: Avoid “so” like the plague. Use a variety of transition words (you shouldn’t have more than one “then” in a paragraph). Watch your verb tense. Use SHOW language Descriptive language What do you feel? See? Hear? Use ADJECTIVES AVOID then this, then that, then this SELF EDIT!
Tuesday: Writing & Novel Study Get up to 5 points added to your score by sending REVISED draft by Thursday night and turning the draft I marked up by Friday. To get the full 5 points you need to: Make all my suggestions & edits, and then some Take out and replace ALL “so”s Make sure there is not more than three “then”s in your entire paper. Add/bold places where you’ve added SHOW language. NO EXCEPTIONS on the due date (Thursday for email, Friday for printed copy AND marked-up draft). How do you self edit? Read it aloud! Let’s try a couple…
Tuesday: Writing & Novel Study Can you find the errors in this paragraph? This made it to a THIRD draft. SAD. We asked are neighbors if they could take us to valley fair and to my surprise they said yes because they usually hated when we play basketball at our court. All I wanted to do know was go into in a quiet environment. My dad took of his seat belt and got out of the driver seat door and opened the back seat door of the van and got in the door to put on my little sister car seat belt. Different soccer teams, new faces, and it were going to be fun.
Tuesday: Writing & Novel Study A few of you didn’t have any punctuation AT ALL! You received a zero. Add punctuation and send it again by Thursday for partial credit. The first table who hands in a completely edited copy of the handout, wins a Larson’s Late HW pass. Move on to novel study…. Kausar & Maryan take the quiz?
Tuesday: Writing & Novel Study Student teachers go through study guide questions 4-7. Go through TKMB vocab 8-9. Notebook title: TKMB Vocab 8-9 Write the word, definition, draw a pic, and use the word in a sentence. Due tomorrow. Memorize TKMB Vocab 8-9 for quiz Friday to earn extra points on context clues quiz. Go through ?s 8-9 (due THIS Friday!)
Daily Writing: Courage 10/09/13 Choose one to respond to and explain with detail: “Never be afraid to love/Never be afraid to just be/Just cast away the chains of doubt/Have the courage to be free.” From Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly by Vanessa Williams “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. ~Winston Churchill Planner Due Thursday: Narrative Extra Credit Due Friday: Read chpt. 8-9 & finish ?s
Wednesday: Descriptive Writing Show me your vocab. Punctuation: A Friend of Yours and Mine! KEEP this handout for future writing assignments. Keep it in your Language Arts folder. Move on to descriptive writing…
Wednesday: Descriptive Writing Sometimes when you are talking to people or writing to a friend who has moved away, just relating the events which happen isn't enough. Sometimes you'll want to tell about a specific person or place in great detail; you'll want the person you're talking or writing to see in his mind's eye exactly what you saw in real life. That's DESCRIPTIVE writing. The purpose is to describe someone or something as clearly and vividly as possible. You could just say, "I saw an adorable puppy at the pet shop." Your audience thinks of a generic adorable puppy. If, however, you go on to tell about the brown spots that look like dimples on either side of its mouth and the way one little pointy ear flips over at the tip or you tell how it hops up and down like a bunny when it is excited, you draw a more vivid picture of a specific puppy.
Wednesday: Descriptive Writing Your assignment is to write a descriptive letter focusing on Scout. Using this format will help you get started a little more quickly for this in-class assignment. Pretend you are Dill and write a letter home to your mother telling her about this person you've met - Jean Louise (Scout) Finch. Journal title: Prewriting Scout Details Jot down physical characteristics that you find in the text. Jot down personality characteristics you have inferred (at LEAST 2). Beside each personality trait, jot down things she has done or said which has demonstrated it. You now have the makings for at least 3 paragraphs (1 for physical description, and one for each of your personality characteristics).
Wednesday: Descriptive Writing Journal title: Drafting After prewriting, start drafting your letter. You should have an intro paragraph (perhaps giving your mother some background about the neighborhood). Then write your three descriptive paragraphs. Finally, tie up any loose ends and say your goodbyes. After you’re done drafting, on a separate piece of paper, REWRITE your letter, editing and revising as you rewrite. Share it with a peer and get their feedback. Hand in your final draft before you leave!
Daily Writing: Forgive 10/10/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.” ~Oscar Wilde “Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on.” ~Alice Duer Miller Planner Due tmrw: Read chpt. 8-9 & finish ?s
Housekeeping/Reminders: Thursday: Novel Study Housekeeping/Reminders: Give me your letters (if you didn’t hand it in yesterday). Narrative extra credit? Anything to hand in? Remember: Send your revised/edited draft tonight (or have it printed for class tomorrow) and bring me the draft I marked up tomorrow for extra points (up to 5). NO EXCEPTIONS. Student teachers tomorrow?
Thursday: Novel Study Journal Title: How Language Changes How does language change across generations? Give examples! What words do you use now that are considered “slang” to your teachers and your parents? How else does language/vocabulary evolve? In general, who can or can't say certain words? When, if ever, can certain words be said? How do you feel about the use of certain words? Is the use of the word in the classroom different from its use outside the classroom?
Thursday: Novel Study Read article on the N word. As we read, highlight important parts, summarize in the margin, and write a ? mark next to ideas you want clarification on. Journal title: N-word Article Write a good OPEN answer discussion question relation to the article we read. Answer your own discussion question. Discuss with your table and write down their responses in your journal.
Thursday: Novel Study Journal title: Incident What is this poem about? How does THE word change the poem? How is the sing-song rhythm of the poem an ironic contrast to its overall meaning? Write your own version of the poem. In your poem, tell a story of a time someone insulted you, whether with a word, phrase, or gesture, and how it felt.
Daily Writing: What is… 10/11/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: What is something that really bugs you? What is something that really makes you angry? What is the best advice you ever received? Planner Due Monday: Get caught up in your reading! Study for quiz! Vocab 8 & 9 and ?s from chapters 6-9. Extra credit research?
Hand in your journal! If you don’t, it’s late. Any narratives? Friday: Novel study Hand in your journal! If you don’t, it’s late. Any narratives? Let me see your study guide questions 8 & 9. Character description list. Keep this! Vocab skits using words from chapter 8 & 9.
Hot Seat Designated “hot seat” in front of the room. 2 minutes to ask the seated person any question in a rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — avoid asking anything too personal, as it can ruin the fun. Sample questions: “What would you do if you won the lottery?” “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why? What would you ask that person?” “What three words would you use to describe yourself?” Questions can be funny, too, such as: “What was your most embarrassing moment?” “What was your proudest moment?” “What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done?”