Setting New Goals Week 4, Day 3
Connection We have been working this year on strategies to help us better understand what we read. The strategies learned focus on the areas of Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding our Vocabulary.
Café Menu
Teaching Point Today we are going to review the reading goals you have set in one of these areas, celebrate your accomplishments, and establish a plan for what needs to be done next to help you continue to grow as a reader. I’d like for you to select the strategy you have been working on that you think has been most effective in helping you grow as a reader. Please read (independent reading book) so I can listen in; think aloud as necessary to show me how you are using the strategy you selected.
Teaching Today we will celebrate our strengths by sharing what you noticed about you application of the Café strategies. What are some of the Café Menu Strategies you use and find effective? During your Read to Self time, continue to work on applying this strategy to help you reach your goal. You will need to restate your goal and your plan for reaching the goal.