August 30, 2011 Do Now: Take out ISN.
Redoing our ISN (oops!) Create a “new” first page Create a section for our warm-ups making a folder We will be processing EVERY page from now on!
Power Paragraph DUE NEXT WEDS Please be revising and working on it! Must be typed and double-spaced! Do NOT tape into ISN, hand in to me first!
Small group activity In your small groups, elect a leader and take a poll Would it be better to be the most popular person in your school or the smartest person in your school? Group leader: Tally the responses and write on whiteboard
Warm-up in your ISN: Quickwrite Respond to one of these prompts What are the advantages and disadvantages of popularity? What are the advantages and disadvantages of intelligence? What sacrifices do people make to fit in? What is good or bad about being unusual?
Genre A type of literature. science fiction mystery historical fiction fantasy horror/suspense realistic fiction biography autobiography
Character traits Character traits are qualities in a character that cannot be seen such as jealousy, generosity, or courage. There are two ways an author tells the reader about the character’s traits Direct: Author tells you something about the character Indirect: Character traits are revealed by what the character says, does, thinks
Types of Characters Round- A character that is round is well-developed. The author has given the character good and bad parts of their personality. There is more to the character than it first appears. Flat- A flat character has only one level. The character has limited development, and usually obvious character traits.
Types of Characters cont. Dynamic- A dynamic character changes throughout the story. The changes that take place are emotional. Many times the events of the story change the character. Static- A static character does not change during the story. This character will be the same at the beginning of the story as he is in the end.
Types of Characters cont. Protagonist- The protagonist is the main character of the story to whom the problems are occurring. Antagonist- The antagonist is the person or thing causing the problem. There can be a lot of kinds of antagonists, some of which are not people. The kinds of antagonists include the following: Person vs. Person Person vs. Nature Person vs. Society Self vs. Self
Open Literature Book to page 45 Right away you will notice that Charlie has trouble with spelling How can we use context clues to figure out what Charlie is writing? Read the first “Progris riport” and decipher his first entry
Begin “Flowers for Algernon”