Warm Up Objective: Scientists will describe the muscular system by analyzing the stations and completing the tasks. What is the topic? What will you be doing? Why is this important? How will you know if you have done well?
Warm Up Objective: Scientists will describe the muscular system by analyzing the stations and completing the tasks. What is the topic? Muscular system What will you be doing? stations Why is this important? Understand more about ourselves, future career How will you know if you have done well? Able to describe muscular system, completed work
Muscular System Exhibition Lab Before completing the exhibition lab, answer the following questions: 1. What do you already know about the muscular system? 2. What do you think would happen to us if our muscular system did not work properly?
Muscular System Exhibition Lab Directions: Choose roles (materials manager, task manager, time keeper, reporter, facilitator) You may stay at your table (unless doing stations 12 and 14) or go around the room. You will need a timer for stations 12 and 13. Record your answers on the student response sheet.
Anatomy Arcade Once you are finished with the stations, go to www.anatomyarcade.com This website works best on a laptop! Click on “Muscular” underneath “Games by Body System” Click on “Poke-A-Muscle” OR “Match-A-Muscle” and play. Send a screenshot of your results to 352-874-5567 or Smreed@bcps.k12.md.us once time is called. Extra credit? Play other games related to the muscular system. Send me a screenshot of your results. VOTE: http://limead.es/3715714