Proper Sentence Structure Honors American History
Past Tense History is the study of the events of the past. Therefore, since everything you write about in a history essay has happened in the past, you should be writing in the past tense.
Writing in the Past Tense Present Tense Past Tense African Americans are coming North at this time for job opportunities in northern factories. Many African Americans were drawn to the North for job opportunities in northern factories, especially before and during World War I.
Writing in the Past Tense Present Tense Past Tense However, not all of the effects of the migration were positive. The arrival of so many blacks in northern cities creates tension with whites, and often, violence. However, not all of the effects of the migration were positive. The arrival of so many blacks in northern cities led to tensions with whites, and often, violence.
Writing in the Past Tense Present Tense Past Tense By helping the people of Cuba get out from under Spanish rule, the U.S. is demonstrating its support for its neighbors in the Western Hemisphere. By helping the people of Cuba get out from under Spanish rule, the U.S. demonstrated its support for its neighbors in the Western Hemisphere.
Active Voice While passive voice is acceptable in some types of writing, students should always use active voice when writing about history. Active voice gives “credit/blame” to the actor. It restores “action” to the past, and it makes writing more vivid and “real.” Passive voice often is revealed by the use of the words was or were.
Passive vs. Active Voice Passive Voice Active Voice The tree was struck by lightning. Lightning struck the tree.
Active Voice “Formula” (When/where) + who + did what (+ to whom/what) + with what effect When/where + who + did what + to whom/what + with what effect
Writing in Active Voice Passive Voice Active Voice The slaves were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves in the rebelling states.
Active Voice Formula When Who Did what With what effect In 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves in the rebelling states.
Writing in Active Voice Passive Voice Active Voice Millions of jobs were created by the captains of industry. First, these big businessmen created millions of jobs for both native-born and immigrant Americans, creating a higher standard of living for all.
Active Voice Formula When Who Did what To whom With what effect First, these big businessmen created millions of jobs for both native-born and immigrant Americans, creating a higher standard of living for all.