Hamburger Method Appetizing Introduction
Thesis AP Hamburger Method Conclusion Body of Your Essay A Broad Statement on the Topic Question Thesis: The Position you want to PROVE The Organization Statement – 3 Points you want to prove that make up the ESSAY BODY AP Hamburger Method Thesis 3 Paragraphs 1) Topic Sentence 2) Fact to prove topic 3) Fact 4) Fact 5) Analysis/ Transition Body of Your Essay Conclusion Restate your thesis Recap your points Analysis/Conclusion
The “Top Bun” of your essay! 4-6 sentences The Introductory Paragraph The “Top Bun” of your essay! 4-6 sentences
The Introductory Paragraph Establish TIME & PLACE. (Italy in the 15th Century) 2. Create a clear, THESIS STATEMENT. [underline or highlight it!] (can be 2 sentences if need be) – THESIS MUST STATE WHAT WILL BE IN YOUR MAIN BODY 3. Allude to the SUB-TOPICS or categories or groups you will discuss to support your thesis statement 4. Focus on the question at hand—do NOT begin with a “flowery” sentence! No “laundry list!”
The Introductory Paragraph TOPICS -Sub Topics or Categories that will make up the Topic Sentences in your main body paragraphs)
The Introductory Paragraph TOPICS EXAMPLES Social Political Economic Religious Military Moral Commercial Agricultural Cultural Financial Domestic (policy) Foreign (policy) Ideological
The Introductory Paragraph THESIS STATEMENT WITH TOPICS Although the Italian Renaissance shared many characteristics with the Northern Renaissance, the movements differed drastically in their financial backing (patronage), themes (religion-influence of Christian Humanism), and styles (oil paint/ mannerism etc.) Paragraph 1- Intro w/ Thesis Paragraph 2- Similarities Paragraph 3- Differences- Financial Backing Paragraph 4- Themes Paragraph 5- styles Paragraph 6- Conclusion
The Introductory Paragraph OTHER SUGGESSTIONS Your first paragraph will include both your thesis and a preview of the evidence you will use. The first paragraph will have an intriguing, artful or clever beginning. In short, it will be more like literature. Your beginning may set up the context of the question, linking the known to the unknown (what you will prove by the end of the paper.)
The Introductory Paragraph You might consider using analogy or metaphor. You might pose a commonly held position, or misperception, and then attack it.