So you’ve got a game… now what? New Member Training July 23, 2018
Accepting/declining You only have 48 hours to accept your assignment COMMUNICATE – Put something in the notes about travel plans. Are you meeting at the meeting site or at the game site? If you haven’t heard from the Referee within 24 hours of the game, make contact Familiarize yourself with where the stadium is. Ask questions. Some schools do NOT play at a stadium near the school. If you’ve accepted a game and need to back up, let the Referee know as well Accepting/declining
Come up with a checklist. Doesn’t. have Come up with a checklist. Doesn’t *have* to be written, but it’s helpful. Do a mental checklist of your bag. Feet to head. Include accessories. Do a weather check. Be prepared. Communicate again if you haven’t already. Packing your bags
For varsity assignments you must wear “business casual” for arrival to the game site. No jeans, no tshirts. Collared shirt and khakis or similar. For subvarsity games you may arrive in your game uniform (minus shirt). If not, more flexibility is given to crew members on what you wear if you’re coming from work. Just be professional. Arrival at the game site is 2 hour before a varsity game or 30 minutes prior to a subvarsity game. If you’re more than 10 minutes late at the meeting site, the crew may leave without you. You’re now on your own to get to the game site. Day of the game
If something comes up on the day of the game where you can no longer work or will be late the first call should be to the Referee. If you’re running late and it’s within reasonable timeframe, Referees are understanding. JUST CALL. After you’ve notified the Referee if you can no longer work on the day of the varsity game, call Chuck Tidwell. For subvarsity, call Freddie Stewart. If you can’t reach one of those individuals, call Todd Thomas. Game day emergencies
At the game site Remain professional. Don’t be overtly friendly with anyone in team apparel, fans or staff. Perception matters. You can say hello and have a quick conversation, but remain professional. 2” shirt with no logo for middle school games 2” shirt with GHSA logo for varsity-junior varsity games. Stay off of your phone. Turn it on vibrate at the very least. If you have an emergency, let the Referee know. At the game site
If you are late to a game, are a no-show for a game, or do not come to a game dressed appropriately fines may be levied Membership committee makes recommendation perhaps after meeting with the official Executive committee levies the fine officially fines
You are there to do a job. Do not watch the game. Watch the crew. Before the game: Know how to set the clock to a certain time Can you turn off tenths of a second? If so, do it. Introduce yourself to the scoreboard operator. Give game card (if given one) to PA and help with pronunciation of crew member names Set the clock to 1m. Let it run down. Check that tenths are off if possible. Test the button and make sure you can stop & start correctly. Let the horn sound. Check to see if the crew hears it (hand in air) Reset to go to zero at kickoff time (some Rs like this at 1m prior) Do not let the horn sound during the national anthem. Stop the clock. Running a clock
Watch the crew, not the game. Follow their signals Watch the crew, not the game. Follow their signals. If they stop it when they shouldn’t have or failed to start it when they should have, that’s on THEM not you. Do what you’re signaled to do. If you are certain of a clock error (such as clock should have started on the ready for play) and you have headsets, ask over frequency. Every time you hit the button, make certain the clock did what you wanted it to do. Trust the button but verify the button. If the clock is stopped, make a mental note of how much time is left in case there is a clock error. Running the clock
At the end of a period, leave the clock at 0:00 until the Referee holds the ball over his head or begins running to locker room. Then reset to the next quarter At the end of the first half when the crew/teams leave the field, put the clock to 20:00. Wait for the Referee to give the start clock signal (once teams have fully left the field) and then start and come to locker room. At the end of the 20:00 put 3:00 for the second half warmup time. Running the clock
Must wear business-casual clothing (what you arrived in) for varsity games when leaving. For subvarsity games you may depart in your game uniform (remove your shirt) Leaving the game site