Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Doctoral Programme – ITEE-DP PhD Mirjami Jutila ITEE-DP coordinator Infotech Oulu Focus Institute coordinator University of Oulu UniOGS – Introduction to Doctoral Training, March 14, 2019
Infotech Oulu Promotes multidisciplinary research and enhances the quality of research in the strategic focus area of research on Digital solutions in sensing and interactions: Long term research and researcher training through 12 spearhead projects and 5 emerging projects Post-doc researcher and PhD student positions in selected projects for 2018-2022 Aims to design, facilitate and support collaboration: Within the focus institute Within the focus area With other focus areas Organizes Infotech and focus area activities that benefit the PIs, the post docs and the students Histopathological grading of osteochondral tissues is widely used as the gold standard in OA research Also relatively common approach in post-surgery in vitro diagnostics Conventional histopathological grading has a number of limitations: Destructive Sample processing artefacts A few 2D sections are limited to evaluation of local degeneration only 2D section does not represent spatial 3D structure and composition of the tissue Final outcome is subjective
ITEE-Doctoral Programme Four doctoral degree programs: - Electrical engineering - Communications engineering - Computer science and engineering - Information processing science Together with UniOGS, organizes annually 30-40 different field-specific PhD intensive courses, summer schools, talks and lecture series Other courses together with the other three doctoral programmes and UniOGS Histopathological grading of osteochondral tissues is widely used as the gold standard in OA research Also relatively common approach in post-surgery in vitro diagnostics Conventional histopathological grading has a number of limitations: Destructive Sample processing artefacts A few 2D sections are limited to evaluation of local degeneration only 2D section does not represent spatial 3D structure and composition of the tissue Final outcome is subjective
Histopathological grading of osteochondral tissues is widely used as the gold standard in OA research Also relatively common approach in post-surgery in vitro diagnostics Conventional histopathological grading has a number of limitations: Destructive Sample processing artefacts A few 2D sections are limited to evaluation of local degeneration only 2D section does not represent spatial 3D structure and composition of the tissue Final outcome is subjective
ITEE-DP courses and events on Spring 2019: Principles and Design of IoT Systems: From Devices to Data Analytics - Prof. DK Arvind (unfortunately this course is postponed from January to later this year) (more information: Jari Iinatti) 4-5.2 Ethnographic studies and action and design research in software engineering - Prof. Yvonne Dittrich (more information: Markku Oivo) 20.2, Machine learning and AI for wireless - Dr. Jacob Hoydis (more information: Mehdi Bennis) 7.3, Electrochemical biosensors - Prof. Tomi Laurila (more information: Gabriela Lorite Yrjänä) 11-12.3, Analyzing Software Engineering Experiments: Everything You Always Wanted to Know but Were Afraid to Ask - Prof. Sira Vegas (more information: Pilar Rodríguez) 19.4, Human-Computer Interaction - Prof Pamela Wisniewski (more information: Netta Iivari) 22.4, 2D materials - Prof. R. Vatjai (more information: Krisztian Kordas) May 2019, Macro, micro and feature based recognition of whole body images - Prof. Beatrice de Gelder (more information: Guoying Zhao) 29.4.-22.5., Impact Camp, 3 cr 19.5, Motivative automotive systems - Prof. Alex Meschtscherjakov (more information: Pasi Karppinen) 10-15.6, UBISS 2019, Virtual Reality - Prof. Frank Steinicke (more information: Steve LaValle) 19.8, Persuasive design summer school - Prof. Tom MacTavish (more information: Harri Oinas-Kukkonen) Wireless Applications in 5G and Beyond - Prof. Chintha Tellambura (more information: Nandana Rajatheva) Histopathological grading of osteochondral tissues is widely used as the gold standard in OA research Also relatively common approach in post-surgery in vitro diagnostics Conventional histopathological grading has a number of limitations: Destructive Sample processing artefacts A few 2D sections are limited to evaluation of local degeneration only 2D section does not represent spatial 3D structure and composition of the tissue Final outcome is subjective
ITEE-DP courses and events on Autumn 2019: September, Photovoltaic solar cells and materials - Prof. Arthur E. Hill (more information: Heli Jantunen) September, THz Circuit Design for Communications and Sensing - Prof. Ullrich Pfeiffer (more information: Aarno Pärssinen) October, Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with polarization gating - Prof. Anabela Da Silva (more information: Igor Meglinski) 30.10-1.11, Crisis Management Workshop CriM 2019, Resiliency and Cyberscape: future trends of cyber security research and practice - Speakers: Dr. Ian Oliver, Prof. Gerald Quirchmayr, Prof. Steven Furnell, Prof. Stewart Kowalski (more information Juha Röning) 1-8.12, Physical Artificial Intelligence - Prof. Stefano Stramigioli (more information: Satu Tamminen) Histopathological grading of osteochondral tissues is widely used as the gold standard in OA research Also relatively common approach in post-surgery in vitro diagnostics Conventional histopathological grading has a number of limitations: Destructive Sample processing artefacts A few 2D sections are limited to evaluation of local degeneration only 2D section does not represent spatial 3D structure and composition of the tissue Final outcome is subjective
Doctoral training development project TinyToT project: - ESR TinyTOT project develops doctoral training at the University of Oulu. Goal of the project is to develop doctoral training to increase doctoral student skills by including training in innovation, business development and understanding of R&D driving needs of companies. Impact camp Spring 2019 (3ECTS): 19.5.2019 Lisää tarvittaessa alatunnisteteksti
Infotech Contact Details Scientific Director: Prof. Simo Saarakkala, 050 574 6681 Infotech and ITEE-DP Coordinator: PhD. Mirjami Jutila,, 040 567 2079 (available again on 1st of April) Histopathological grading of osteochondral tissues is widely used as the gold standard in OA research Also relatively common approach in post-surgery in vitro diagnostics Conventional histopathological grading has a number of limitations: Destructive Sample processing artefacts A few 2D sections are limited to evaluation of local degeneration only 2D section does not represent spatial 3D structure and composition of the tissue Final outcome is subjective