Accidents and Emergencies
When Calling 911… Have ready: Child’s age Your name Relationship Address of situation Describe problem
Minor Cuts or Scrapes Place clean cloth on the cut Apply firm pressure until bleeding stops Clean area with soap and warm water Dry wound Apply antiseptic ointment Cover wound with a bandage
Nosebleeds Usually nosebleeds in children come from disrupted blood vessels inside the front of the nose, near the nostrils, and they are not difficult to stop. Have child sit or stand and lean slightly forward over a sink or bowl Squeeze the lower half of the child's nose for 10 minutes Check to see if bleeding stopped If not apply pressure for another 10 minutes, if still doesn’t stop get medical attention
Bumps and Bruises Minor bruises- 10 minutes with a cold pack Place a towel between the cold pack and childs skin Should be elevated Fall resulting in a hard blow to the head- Seek medical help if… child loses consciousness Becomes drowsy Irritable Headaches vomits
Fractures and Sprains Fracture- is a break or crack in a bone. Sprain- is an injury caused by sudden, violent stretching of a joint or muscle. Need an x-ray to tell the difference Both cause… Pain Swelling Bruising
Burns-1st degree =Mild burn May turn skin pink or red No blisters or peeling How to help… Put under cold water Keep it dry or clean Do not put ointment on burn Caused by… To much sun Hot objects Hot water or steam
Burns-2nd degree =Red Form blisters How to help… Caused by… If the area is small- cover it with a clean wet cloth and take child to doctor If the area is large- cover the child in a blanket or clean sheet and call the emergency for help Caused by… Sun exposure Hot liquids or flames
Burns-3rd degree =Leave skin blackened or white Don’t always cause pain Nerve endings may have been destroyed How to help.. Get child to the hospital as quick as you can Caused by… Flames Extremely hot objects electricity
Chemical burns How to help… Caused by Use protective gloves Wash off the affected area immediately with cold water Remove clothing Seek immediate medical attention Caused by Household products Drain cleaners disinfectants
Choking For children older than 1, use abdominal thrusts
Convulsions Or seizure, is a brief period during which muscles suddenly contract, causing the person to fall and twitch or jerk Last less than 5 minutes Most common cause high fevers How to help… Do not move child Move any hard objects out of the way Do not try to stop the movements Turn child to side if they vomit or saliva builds up Do not put anything in child's mouth After the convulsion is over give the child acetaminophen Call emergency if seizure last more than 5 minutes or if child is confused or groggy
Insect Stings and bites Anaphylactic shock- severe allergic reaction Causes the airway to swell shut and a person to die Allergic reactions Symptoms Wheezing Tightness in the chest Vomiting Dizziness Heavy perspiration Seek help if a child is stung in the mouth or breaks out in blister like sores called hives
Insect and bug bites How to help… Remove a bee’s stinger.. With a blunt edged object like a credit card Wash the area with soap and water Apply a cold pack Give aminophenol for pain Watch for infection Mosquito, ant, and chigger bites-not dangerous A paste of baking soda and water or calamine lotion will relieve itching Witch hazel or rubbing alcohol can help as well Tics small insects that cling to the skin and may carry disease Use tweezers to grasp the tick
Poisoning Call poison control immediately! Signs Describe the poison How it was taken If vomited Childs age, weight, an height Any other health problems Signs Inability to track movement with the eyes Burns or stains around the mouth Strange smelling breath Difficulty breathing Unconsciousness Fever Rash Burning or irritation of the eyes or blindness Choking, coughing, nausea, dizziness
Rescue Techniques Rescue breathing Procedure for forcing air into the lungs of a person who is not breathing Reasons… Head injury Poisoning Or other emergency situations If brain deprived of oxygen for 5 minutes brain damage may occur
Rescue techniques Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Child has stopped breathing and whose heart has stopped beating Combines rescue breathing with chest compressions to restore breathing and circulation