Ancient China Mr. Hudson WHAP
Huang He River (Yellow River) 5000 BCE- oldest continuous civilization
12 Dynasties Ruled Over 4000 yrs 1. 2000 BCE- Xia Dynasty 2. 1766-1122 BCE- Shang Dynasty 3. 1122-256 BCE- Zhou Dynasty Zhou lost control around 771 BCE, the last 2 centuries were known as the “Era of the Warring States” Dynasties fought for control
China Isolated There was little known about the Chinese during these times, as no outsiders had traveled there due to the distance from places like Indus Valley and Mesopotamia Family Central to Chinese society; respect one’s parents but women inferior Reverence to ancestors
Confucius 551-479BCE Philosopher His teachings became the basis for Confucianism Belief system based on ethics Good conduct, moral judgment
Mandate of Heaven Came to be during the Zhou Dynasty Power to rule came from heavan A just ruler had divine approval A foolish ruler would lose the mandate and no longer rule
Brainstorm Minute How can a higher authority persuade the masses to be obedient to a ruler? How does this authority strengthen or weaken a ruler?
Chinese Writing Needed to know 1500 characters to be literate 10,000 characters to be considered a scholar Helped unify a large land of people Progression of Chinese written language
Technology China was the leader in technology in the world, creating new items centuries before others Roads and canals Coined money Ride horses Pottery
China through Dynasties You can remember China through the order of the dynasties in a song Shang zhou qin han (x2) Sui Tang Song (x2) Yuan Ming Quing Republic (x2) Mao Ze Dong
Classical China 1000BCE-500CE Period after the decline of the River Valley Civs Connections to today’s world in places like China, India, Greece and Rome 1st great Classical society and most linked to its own past Dynasties came from tightly-knit, extended, patriarchal families When one dynasty declined, another family emerged
Dynasties before Classical China Xia Dynasty- little known Shang Dynasty Writing developed Bronze technology Ancestor worship part of polytheistic religion Shang kings used human sacrifices to build empire
Dynasties in Classical China There are 3 dynastic cycles that cover Classical China Zhou Dynasty Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty
Zhou Dynasty 1029-258 BCE Overtook Shang Dynasty Mandate of Heaven passed to more worthy Zhou Expanded empire to Yangtze River
Confucianism & Daoism Confucianism Students composed Confucius’ thoughts in Analects Centered around duties & proper behavior of society Order and Stability, not religion Superior/inferior Male/female Husband/wife Elder/younger
Daosim Way of nature Est. around 500 BCE An individual should find a way to relate to harmony Yin/Yang Legalism (Law) Political theories- authoritarian Opposing ideas considered foolish
402-201 BCE Era of Warring States Chaos as Zhou dynasty disintegrated Lords gained power with land Began warring over land rights with others
Brainstorm Minute What instances do we see of Confucianism and Daoism in today’s society? What importance does this have for our society as it relates to social order and harmony?
Qin Dynasty 221-202 BCE First Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi Ruled with an iron fist Included suppressing those who opposed him, first book burning Crushed any resistance Created a strong central govt 1st national census- population count Standardized coins, weights/measurements
Great Wall Built to keep out northern invaders 3000 miles long Used forced labor
Qin Downfall Very unpopular because of his political policies Hatred of Confucians Wanted an army with him after he died Enormous army created from Terra Cotta clay Infantrymen, horses, archers, more
Brainstorm Minute From the information we know about the Qin, what can we infer about the relationship between the government and the people? Can you make a connection between the Qin Dynasty and how it ruled with governments today? How?
Han Dynasty 202 BCE-220 CE Lasted for 400 years Retained the govt but reduced the oppressive nature Created civil service exams Citizens had to pass to work for govt Expansion into Korea & Indochina Moved from isolation to trade with India & Rome
Territory of Han The expansion allowed the trade with empires to the West
Silk Road As China began trading with other empires for luxury products, a network of roads was established through Central Asia Known as the Silk Road
Brainstorm Minute What impact did the Han have in the changes they made during their reign? How do you believe the Han restored trust/confidence in their people to believe in the govt? What connection do we see today?
Other Notables in Han Inventions Reestablished Confucianism Constant attacks by the Huns/outside invaders led to chaos in China 220-589 CE
Other expansions During Classical period, China expanded other ways Rice growing Improved technology for agriculture/manufacturing Creation of elaborate philosophical/religious systems Expansion of scientific/mathematical knowledge Strong political institutions/active economy