What do different cultures deem beautiful and attractive? What is beauty? What do different cultures deem beautiful and attractive?
Inca Sloped forehead
Neck rings
Chinese Culture Foot binding
Foot binding Began in the 10th century Done to please a prince who liked small feet Considered to be a sign of beauty and high class Began when girl is 3 years old Toes turned under foot, held in place by cotton bandage tightly wrapped
Feet would eventually fit into 3” shoes Very difficult to stand and walk due to pain and balance Kept women at home instead of “wandering” Practice was outlawed in 1911 after 1000 years
“Lily feet”
Lotus shoes-3” long, made of silk and beautifully embroidered
Animals and New Year Celebration
Chinese Calendar Begins 2637BC On cycles of 12 different years 12 cycles are named after animals: rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig Chinese New Year, 2nd new moon after winter-January or February
Great Wall of China Longest structure ever built(4000 miles) 25 feet wide and 35 feet high Watchtowers every 100-200 yards Wall consist of:foundation-granite, sides-stone or brick, filled with dirt Wall originally used for protection but now used for tourism CAN NOT be seen from space
Samurai paintings
Samurai Warrior class in Japan Used to defend aristocrats estates Used 2 sword( 1 long, 1 short) Valued personal conduct, loyalty, bravery, honor and discipline If dishonored, it was their duty to commit ritual suicide Seppuko
Samurai outfits