By: Cecilia Carrasquero Course Title: Capstone February, 2016 The Leadership Profile By: Cecilia Carrasquero Course Title: Capstone February, 2016
Main Points Introduction Examination of my Leadership Profile Conclusion
INTRODUCTION Leadership is the quality of taking action and making changes and differences within organizations (Lawn, 2013). Becoming effective leaders, they need to develop and build multiple abilities such as being innovators, readers, flexible managers, great communicators, risk takers, and believers in their followers (Bowe, 2015)..
INTRODUCTION Leaders are transformational since they transform their followers by inspiring them to growth their skills and by motivating them to collaborate and perform for the success of the organization (Garbowski, 2009). Transactional leaders use rewards and punishment to motivate their followers (Penn, 2015).
INTRODUCTION The leadership profile (TLP), an instrument to measure transactional and transformational leadership, was used to develop this paper. It contains 50 statements separated by 10 scales. The purpose of this paper is to realize for myself what my weaknesses and strengths are. I intend to address and improve my skills, those that need to be developed, and look for tools and methods that will help me reinforce my strengths by defining specific goals.
Examination of The Leadership Profile (TLP) Results of the Assessments My self-assessment My Score Observer’s Assessment Transactional leadership 59.94 54.25 Transformational leadership behaviors 49.91 52.28 Transformational leadership characteristics 49.63 50.52
Difference (points). Reason Similarities and Differences Between my Self-assessment and my Observers-assessment. Origin of Differences. Dimension My self-assessment Level Observer’s Assessment Difference (points). Reason Opportunity Transactional leadership My Score Capable management 65.12 High (among my classmates) 53.09 More than 10 *Ideal circumstance *Right tasks, offering all resources available For learning and development
Difference (points). Reason Continuation Dimension My self-assessment Level Observer’s Assessment Difference (points). Reason Opportunity Transformational leadership behaviors My Score Leadership communication 43.95 (low) High (among my classmates) 39.54 (low) *Lack of self-confidence in my communication skills *Fear of being judged, offended, and minimized *I am experiencing a new culture Need special attention; improved
Difference (points). Reason Continuation Dimension My self-assessment Level Observer’s Assessment Difference (points). Reason Opportunity Transformational leadership behaviors My Score Caring leadership 57.30 High (among my classmates) 63.30 * Respect people’s viewpoint * I have learned care about other living beings The opportunity is keep active this skills.
Difference (points). Reason Continuation Dimension My self-assessment Level Observer’s Assessnt Difference (points). Reason Opportunity My Score Transformational leadership characteristics Follower-centered leadership 35.05 (low) High (among my classmates) 44.42 * I misunderstood the statements ( I answered them incorrectly) Especial attention
Weaknesses. Plan to Address my Weaknesses. Specific Goals. Capable management *Self-confidence *Courage *Critical thinking.
Weaknesses. Plan to Address my Weaknesses. Specific Goals. Leadership communication *Speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Fix my eyes on the speaker, focus myself on maintain eye contact. Take notes and wait until the speaker finishes before asking questions or making comments. Pay attention to the speaker’s non-verbal and verbal communication. Forget any distracting factors. Write the main ideas the speaker mentioned. Be open minded and avoid criticizing or judging. Give or demonstrate verbal or non-verbal feedback in the right time (Wilson & Foltz, 2013).
Weaknesses. Plan to Address my Weaknesses. Specific Goals. Follower-centered leadership. * Culture
Personal Strengths and Career. Goals to Reinforce my Strengths. Caring leadership *Building my empathy and trust. *Creating a “want to” environment rust. *Personal engagement.
Leadership Program Benefits to my Leadership Capabilities I feel more confident to face any experience since I can use the key tools that this program provided me and the skills that I have developed during this time. Recognition of the importance of creating and keeping connections, alliances, partnerships, networks, teamwork and organizational culture. To learn to have the capacity of being open-mind to understand others thoughts, though accepting diversity, even I disagree with some people’s point of view. Gaining knowledge on incorporating transformational and transactional leadership skills in our lives brings positive effects in our performance within an organization and in our personal performance.
Conclusion Finally, this examination of my leadership style through the use of the leadership profile gave me the opportunity to determine my weakness and strengths within each dimension where it was evaluated my transactional leadership style, transformational leadership behaviors, and transformational leadership characteristics. The results obtained have aided me to develop some behavioral goals that will contribute to the improvement of my skills and competences. My purpose is to make habitual the practice of all my proposed goals. This practice will be daily, and after every three months, I am going to do a self-evaluation, a self reflection, on my actions and behaviors to assess what changes and enhancement I have accomplished. Furthermore, I will ask for feedback to know how others perceive my performance. Effectively, leaders require true commitment to values, hard work, and stewardship. From my perspective as a leader, I am determined to become more effective each day with each experience of my life and to put major effort into reaching my goals.
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