The FRAME Routine Topography Contour Lines Gentle Slopes Steep Slopes Key Topic is about… So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Main idea Topography Understanding the size and shape of the land surface features of a region, by being able to read a topographic map. Contour Lines Stream or Valley Depressions Gentle Slopes Used to determine elevation If you walk along a contour line you never lose or gain elevation All contour lines eventually close, either on a map or beyond its margin Where a contour line crosses a stream or valley it bends to form a “V” that points upstream Shown by closed hatched contour. Hatched lines point downslope Contour lines are WIDELY spaced Contour do NOT cross or intersect each other Steep Slopes Contour Line Interval Profile View Aerial View The numbers on the line represent different elevations. The contour interval is the difference between two adjacent contour lines. Contour lines are closely spaced on steep slopes
The FRAME Routine Topography Contour Lines Gentle Slopes Steep Slopes Key Topic is about… So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Main idea Topography Understanding the size and shape of the land surface features of a region, by being able to read a topographic map. Contour Lines Stream or Valley Depressions Gentle Slopes Steep Slopes Contour Line Interval Profile View Aerial View