Special Schools EDU 201 Kristie Wood 10/24/15
In 1975, Congress passed law 94-142 In 1975, Congress passed law 94-142. This law guarantees a free and appropriate public education for all children with disabilities. Additionally, this law hoped to accomplish were to improve how children with disabilities were identified and educated, evaluate how well this is being done, and to provide due process for these children and their families. 94-142
This law, referred to as IDEA, services children with disabilities throughout this nation. They are responsible for the early intervention and special education programs to millions of children. IDEA
An IEP is an individualized education program required for every student covered by the IDEA. According to our textbook, Teach, The IEP is a list of specific goals and services to be provided and the assessment techniques for evaluating progress.(Koch,2014) IEP
According to the Clark County School District Website, John F According to the Clark County School District Website, John F. Miller schooll is a special education school, which serves the most significantly disabled and medically fragile students in the Clark County School District. The school motto is: All Children Can Learn. Students at this school range in age from 3-21 years. John F. Miller
Helen J. Stewart is a special education school serving students with significant intellectual disabilities and other secondary disabilities who range in age from 6-22 years old. Students from throughout Clark County attend Stewart for specialized instruction in daily living, functional academics, vocational, communication, behavioral, and transitional needs. Helen J. Stewart
Miley Achievement Center Miley Achievement Center is a special school, servicing students from 3-21 years of age. The focus is on students who are affected by emotional and or behavioral disorders. The mission is to ensure all students who have serious emotional disturbance will benefit from their education academically, socially and vocationally; by receiving direct instruction and community experience. Miley Achievement Center
Variety School provides a positive, individualized and multifaceted program for students 6 through 21 years of age. Students participate in a full academic and vocational program which includes a motivational behavioral management system. We strive to prepare students to participate in a democratic society; compete successfully in the job market; be informed decision makers; and become life learners. Variety
Homebound Instructional Services provides instruction to general and special education students who are ill or injured and unable to attend school. Services are provided for a minimum of 15 consecutive school days as determined by a qualified physician. Homebound
Least Restrictive Environment least restrictive environment (LRE) means that a student who has a disability should have the opportunity to be educated with non-disabled peers, to the greatest extent appropriate. Least Restrictive Environment