Agenda (for me) Few minutes: ATSS – discussion of Chaps. 10-15 – finish discussion – power quotes, sharing inference frame, etc. Photo Essay Analysis – groups / laptops Intro to Idea Sheet
Reminders – 10-24-17 ATSS, Next chapters due tomorrow – what are they? Check your reading schedule! Research Paper: Next steps – Informal Google Research Start thinking about your Idea Sheet HW: Work on Research Topic Proposal & Read ATSS
ATSS – Discussion Generator Inference Frame: Complete the following frame about your reading. “The part where . . . may mean that . . . because . . . .” Share/Discuss
ATSS – Discussion Questions The beginning of Mariam’s marriage to Rasheed seems to promise happiness. What are signs that this may be short lived? How does Rasheed feel about the westernization of Afghanistan? What shows his ambivalence? What are Rasheed’s reasons for making Mariam wear a burqa and what do they tell us about his ideas about his role as a husband and man and his expectations for Mariam? Mariam learns some of her husband’s history when she looks inside the drawers in his room. Why does she rationalize about what she sees? Why does Rasheed want a boy? How might life have been different for the family if Mariam could have had a baby? Why does Rasheed become abusive?
The Visual Argument Remember rhetorical appeals (from warm-up) to ethos (credibility), logos (logic) and pathos (emotion)? Authors can influence audiences by using images or visual elements as powerful support for their arguments. Visual rhetoric is a term used to describe images that make or support an argument. Visual rhetoric may also include the use of text features, such as fonts and white space, or graphics, such as illustrations, charts, and cartoons. Reflect on our last photograph. What rhetorical appeals does it make?
“Boat of No Smiles”
The Visual Argument, cont. What is a Photo Essay? An essay is an interpretive or analytical composition that reveals the author’s perspective on a subject. A photo essay reveals the author’s perspective on the subject through a collection of photographic images. Just as the words and sentences in a written essay are placed in a specific order, the images in a photo essay are placed in a specific way to express ideas, convey emotions, and show a progression of thoughts or events.
Reading a Photo Essay Consider the photographic terms we learned last week and also, focus on the following items as you “read” and analyze the photo essay: title sequence of images content of photographs captions purpose target audience issue and position Also, consider the rhetoric used in the essay.
Photo Essay Examples Go to Google and type in: best photo essays january 2015 It should be the first link that comes up. Visit the website and choose one photo essay for you and your group to examine and analyze: Review the short descriptions of all 10 photo essays and select one to review and analyze today. First ‘read’ – just read it – the text and the images Second ‘read’ – use the guided prompts/questions/tips on previous slides.
Your Photo Essay 5 original images & 5 images from internet Essay should have a title & thesis (thesis could be the same as research paper or slightly different) Each picture should have its own caption. Written Component – Select 3 photographs and explain choices related to sequencing, cropping, space, light, etc. as relevant. (Address at least 2-3 photo terms – one should be sequencing); relate each photo to the thesis.
Research Paper – Next Steps Informal research and reading – attempt to answer questions Introduce Idea Sheet