Why do we need government? The Purpose of Government and Our Rights
Human Nature – Are we good or evil?
What was life like before government? The State of Nature – What was life like before government?
Why do we have governments? I, the strongest person, will protect you, but I need something in return. As your subjects, we agree to do certain things for you. As the King, I agree to do certain things for you. The Social Contract – Why do we have governments?
Thomas Hobbes Human Nature: man is cruel, selfish, and vicious The State of Nature: too dangerous and savage for people to feel safe or develop culture; a constant state of war The Social Contract: people agree to give up freedoms in exchange for protection and safety The Sovereign: people agree to give absolute power to a ruler, such as a king, who will be just and wise; people cannot overthrow this king.
TAXES Hobbesian Government What are the dangers?
John Locke Locke was an English political philosopher who came to different conclusions than Hobbes. He had very influential ideas about the rights that people have. His ideas were so radical that he could not admit that he wrote them.
Human nature For Locke, humans are generally good, intelligent, & capable of reason.
Natural rights Locke argued that we have natural rights. These rights included the rights of life, liberty, and property. For Locke, we are born with these rights and they can not be taken away.
State of nature Locke thought about the state of nature. In Locke’s state of nature, man is free, but there is no protection for natural rights.
The right to rebel Locke agreed there was a social contract. In this contract, Locke said, people agree to give certain powers to a government in exchange for the protection of their natural rights. According to Locke, governments that don’t protect rights can be overthrown.
Locke & Natural Rights Do you agree with the basic idea that all humans have certain rights? What would those rights be? Are there any situations when a government can take away people’s rights? Do people have the right to rebel against their government? John Locke said that all people are born with natural rights. Is he right/wrong in this argument?