Epic & Epic Hero Notes
What is an epic? Epic: A long narrative poem that recounts, in formal language, the exploits of a larger than life hero whose actions depends the fate of a tribe, nation, or human race.
Elements of an Epic Epic hero Quest Setting Action Supernatural Forces Style Catalogs and genealogies
Epic Hero Traits include: Figure of great or national or even cosmic importance Pitted against evil Ideal man of culture; symbol of goodness, heroism, strength Noble birth Superhuman or divine traits Imposing physical stature Greater in all ways than the common man
Epic Hero - Establishing Identity Ancestral Heritage a. every male figure is known as his father’s son b. Characters are unable to talk about their identity or even introduce themselves without referring to family lineage. c. Characters take pride in ancestors who have acted valiantly, and they attempt to live up to the same standards as those ancestors.
Epic Hero - Individual Reputation a. Is key to solidifying and augmenting one’s identity. b. Valiant deeds were the only means by which one can construct an identity for themselves. c. It sees fame as a way of ensuring that an individual’s memory will continue on after death.
Other Elements of Epics 1. The quest is a long and dangerous journey undertaken by the epic hero. This is his opportunity to prove his heroism. 2. The setting is vast in scope. It covers great geographical distances, perhaps even visiting the underworld, other worlds and other times. 3. The action demonstrate the hero’s superhuman courage, strength, or virtue (especially in battle). 4. Supernatural forces interest themselves in the action and intervene at times.
Other Elements of Epics 5. The style of writing is elevated, even ceremonial. There is a rigid traditional structure…alliteration, kennings, and a rhythmic patterns with four stressed beats to a line. 6. Catalogs and genealogies are given. These long lists of objects, places, and people place the finite action of the epic within a broader, universal context. Oftentimes, the poet is also paying homage to the ancestors of audience members. 7. The use of the similes. A standard simile is a comparison using "like" or "as.”
Types of Epics: A. Folk Epics: (Beowulf, Gilgamesh) 1. Stories were sung or recited for entertainment (oral tradition) 2. Passed down from one generation to the next 3. Written down long after they were composed 4. of unknown authors B. Literary Epics: (Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost) 1. Written by conventional authors 2. Drawn upon the folk epic style and conventions