New Teacher Seminar Mitchell Elementary School 21st Century Learning New Teacher Seminar Mitchell Elementary School
Question Worth Considering How can we use the resources on the 21st Century Learning website to support student learning?
Agenda Introductions and 21st Century Learning Competency Shuffle – 10 min Overview of 21st Century Learning Competencies Guide – 5 min 21CLD Website Scavenger Hunt – 20 min Bingo Game – 20 min Q+A – 5 min
WCSD’s Framework for 21st Century Learning In the Real-World Problem Solving competency guide, complete this sentence by filling in the blanks. Students use problem solving when they _________ and _________ solutions to problems that are new to them, or complete a task they have not been instructed how to do, or ____________ a complex product that meets a set of requirements.
21ST CENTURY INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES Who do I contact if I want to sign up for a computer science and coding class?
WCSD’s FRAMEWORK FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING What other resources are available for the WCSD's Framework for 21st Century Learning other than the competencies guides?
21ST CENTURY INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES How can I align my teacher evaluation with 21st century learning?
21ST CENTURY LEARNING HOMEPAGE -OTHERLINKS If my Activboard is not working properly, where can I go to find troubleshooting steps?
21ST CENTURY PROFESSIONAL LEARNING RESOURCES List the benefits of implementing the 21st century learning practices from the November Newsletter Practitioner in the Spotlight.
21ST CENTURY INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES What practices are directly aligned to the WCSD Teacher Professional Growth System (TPGS) and support the Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS)?
21ST CENTURY LEARNING EXEMPLARS How many video resources are available for Knowledge Construction?
DIGITAL LEARNING AND TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES What resource is available that gives me answers to WCSD technology questions?
21ST CENTURY PROFESSIONAL LEARNING RESOURCES What 3 badge classes are offered for teachers through the 21st Century Educator Program?
DIGITAL LEARNING AND TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES What form do I use to have parents give consent to use specific online technology tools?
21ST CENTURY PROFESSIONAL LEARNING RESOURCES Where can I find short but valuable video tips to help me use technology smarter?
21ST CENTURY INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES When an administrator observes collaboration in your classroom, he/she is “looking for” . . . . . . students working in pairs or groups to discuss an issue, solve a problem, and/or create a product. Collaboration is not just group work. COLLABORATION = WORKING TOGETHER + ___________
Rachel Gibson 775.313.3338 21st Century Learning Rachel Gibson 775.313.3338