PolyAnalyst Web Report Training Analysis of Call Center & Warranty Data PolyAnalyst Web Report Training Megaputer Intelligence www.megaputer.com © 2014 Megaputer Intelligence Inc.
Objectives Automate the analysis of Call Center and Warranty Data Determine issues of interest for improving customer satisfaction and reducing costs
Objectives Automate the analysis of Call Center and Warranty Data Determine issues of interest for improving customer satisfaction and reducing costs What issues are customers complaining about the most? What issues are the most costly? Can we discover emerging issues? Can we identify any systemic issues?
Objectives Automate the analysis of Call Center and Warranty Data Determine issues of interest for improving customer satisfaction and reducing costs What issues are customers complaining about the most? What issues are the most costly? Can we discover emerging issues? Can we identify any systemic issues?
Objectives Automate the analysis of Call Center and Warranty Data Determine issues of interest for improving customer satisfaction and reducing costs What issues are customers complaining about the most? What issues are the most costly? monetary cost downtime labor hours Can we discover emerging issues? Can we identify any systemic issues?
Objectives Automate the analysis of Call Center and Warranty Data Determine issues of interest for improving customer satisfaction and reducing costs What issues are customers complaining about the most? What issues are the most costly? Can we discover emerging issues? Can we identify any systemic issues?
Objectives Automate the analysis of Call Center and Warranty Data Determine issues of interest for improving customer satisfaction and reducing costs What issues are customers complaining the most? What issues are the most costly? Can we discover emerging issues? Can we identify any systemic issues?
Objectives Automate the analysis of Call Center and Warranty Data Determine issues of interest for improving customer satisfaction and reducing costs What issues are customers complaining the most? What issues are the most costly? Can we discover emerging issues? Can we identify any systemic issues? product line customer region
Challenges to Overcome Non-homogeneous data sources Unstructured, free-form text Domain-specific terminology Inconsistent naming Irrelevant information Call Center Data Warranty Parts Data Warranty Labor Data
Challenges to Overcome Non-homogeneous data sources Unstructured, free-form text Domain-specific terminology Inconsistent naming Irrelevant information “Machine showing oil over temperature. After machine verification was noticed that in this machine has two auto dump valve, see bellow.”
Challenges to Overcome Non-homogeneous data sources Unstructured, free-form text Domain-specific terminology Inconsistent naming Irrelevant information Coolpix Hopper Moveable Platen
Challenges to Overcome Non-homogeneous data sources Unstructured, free-form text Domain-specific terminology Inconsistent naming Irrelevant information oring = o-ring = o ring = Oring = ORING
Challenges to Overcome Non-homogeneous data sources Unstructured, free-form text Domain-specific terminology Inconsistent naming Irrelevant information Call Center, Warranty Parts, Warranty Labor © 2011 Megaputer Intelligence Inc.
Data Loading & Integration Methodology Data Loading & Integration Call Center Warranty Parts Warranty Labor Data Cleansing Fix spelling errors Filter irrelevant information Rename for consistency Text Analysis Parts Extraction Issues Extraction
Analysis Flowchart
Data Loading & Integration Methodology Data Loading & Integration Call Center Warranty Parts Warranty Labor Data Cleansing Fix spelling errors Filter irrelevant information Rename for consistency Text Analysis Parts Extraction Issues Extraction
Data Loading
Data Loading Summary statistics enable easy exploration of attributes.
Data Loading Column information can be summarized. Here, we quickly see the distribution of Product Line.
P7 is the product line with the most calls. Data Loading P7 is the product line with the most calls.
Join disparate data sources using Join Node. Data Loading Join disparate data sources using Join Node.
Data Loading & Integration Methodology Data Loading & Integration Call Center Warranty Parts Warranty Labor Data Cleansing Fix spelling errors Filter irrelevant information Rename for consistency Text Analysis Parts Extraction Issues Extraction
Spell Check
Dictionary Manager Existing dictionaries can be edited and custom dictionaries can be imported for domain-specific analysis.
Data Cleansing
Data Loading & Integration Methodology Data Loading & Integration Call Center Warranty Parts Warranty Labor Data Cleansing Fix spelling errors Filter irrelevant information Rename for consistency Text Analysis Parts Extraction Issues Extraction
Analyst-driven Analysis Methodology Data-driven Analysis Analyst-driven Analysis
Analyst-driven Analysis Methodology Data-driven Analysis Analyst-driven Analysis
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Taxonomy
Keyword Taxonomy
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Extraction
Keyword Taxonomy
Keyword Taxonomy
Analyst-driven Analysis Methodology Data-driven Analysis Analyst-driven Analysis
Custom taxonomies categorize problematic Analyst-Driven Taxonomy Outline Custom taxonomies categorize problematic parts and issues in call center notes
Expressions query the data to assign records to categories Analyst-Driven Taxonomy Outline Expressions query the data to assign records to categories PROJECT! Nouns Tax: mold sensor phrase(3, mold, sensor) Robot > Other keywords robot vacuum Verbs & Adj. Tax: damage, break, crack Broken (Generalize)
Issues Taxonomy Outline
Issues Taxonomy Outline Leakage Category Sub-Category Verbatim Oil Leakage "Extruder gearbox leaking hydraulic oil. Oil leak at about 1 gallon in an hour. Customer will call region to request service tech.” Water Leakage “Repair mold dehumidifer water leakage at piping. Water leak from Auxualiy Coolpik blower water hose.” Created by analyst. Access results of data-driven directly using, e.g., Keyword function, or search for patterns using other PDL functions proximity constraints, direct vs. negated, semantic relationships
Most Complained About Issues
Issues with Most Downtime
Issues with Longest Resolution Time
Issues with Highest Warranty Costs
Most Problematic Issues Failure Replacement Broken Damage Oil Leakage
Relationships Between Issues
Outline Parts Taxonomy Created by analyst. Access results of data-driven directly using, e.g., Keyword function, or search for patterns using other PDL functions proximity constraints, direct vs. negated, semantic relationships
Outline Parts Taxonomy Hose Category Sub-Category Verbatim Water Hose "Water hoses worn out. replaced hoses” Air Hose “coolpik air blow hose get damaged by scratching with conveyor.” Created by analyst. Access results of data-driven directly using, e.g., Keyword function, or search for patterns using other PDL functions proximity constraints, direct vs. negated, semantic relationships
Most Complained About Parts
Parts with Most Downtime
Parts with Longest Resolution Time
Parts with Highest Warranty Costs
Most Problematic Parts Kit Injection Piston Check Valve Tooling Rod
Relationships Between Parts & Issues
Dimensional Analysis: Parts & Issues Project!
Treemap: Parts & Issues Project!
Emerging Issues over Time
Emerging Problematic Parts over Time
Emerging Issues over Product Age Project!
Systematic Issues by Product Line P7 is the most frequent product line among escalated calls, with almost 50%.
Systematic Issues by Region
Systematic Issues by Customer
Objective and uniform analysis Reduce analysis time Conclusion Automated analysis Objective and uniform analysis Reduce analysis time Reduce need for staff Early detection of costly issues Reduce costs
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