America Secedes from the Empire 1775-1783
Warm Up: What was the First Continental Congress? What year did they meet? Why did they meet? What results were seen from the calling and meeting of the First Continental Congress?
KEY TERMS AND PEOPLE Second Continental Congress Bunker Hill Lexington & Concord Common Sense Declaration of Independence Declaration of the Rights of Man Loyalists Patriots Saratoga Yorktown Thomas Jefferson Treaty of Paris Benedict Arnold Thomas Paine Lord Charles Cornwallis Benjamin Franklin
In March of 1775, ONE MONTH AFTER THE FIRST SHOTS ARE FIRED, THE SECOND CONTINENTAL CONGRESS IS CALLED. -All 13 Colonies are represented this time (12/13 at First Continental Congress) What Were the main goals of the second continental congress?
Goals of Second Continental Congress: -hope was king and British parliament would address the colonies grievances, not to go to all out war. -Anticipating the king would not hear their grievances, even after lexington and concord, the 2nd continental congress drafts plans to raise $$$ for an army and navy.
-Second continental congress drafts george washington to lead the army
War remains small through the first few months, with the second continental congress still seeking peace with King George III. This changes after bunker hill, a victory for the colonists. king george III declares the colonies in open rebellion, a hang-able offense.
Even into 1776, most American's are not in favor of claiming independence. After all their grievances and now battles, Why do you think that is?
THOMas Paine writes common sense, a pamphlet that quickly sells over 120,000 copies. In the pamphlet, Paine claims that the colonists’ hesitance to break from Britain is contrary to common sense. Oh by the way, Paine had only moved to America from Britain one year earlier…..
Move towards declaring independence from britain: one june 7th, 1776 Richard Henry Lee moves on congress that “these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states” after nearly a month of debating, the motion is adopted on July 2nd 1776. question: so why do we celebrate july 4th and not july 2nd?
Declaration of independence
Written by Thomas Jefferson -Advertisement for Mr. Lee’s Resolution -Explanation of Independence -Argued for “Natural Rights of Man-Kind” -Argued King George III had violated the Natural Rights of the Colonists
The Declaration of independence is so brilliant, so powerful, that it inspires another revolutionary document 13 years later. The declaration of the rights of man in 1789 becomes the foundational document of the French revolution
After the declaration of independence, colonists have to make a choice who to side with Loyalists: Colonists who remain loyal to King George III Patriots: Colonists who support an independent state.
Question: What group of people are more likely to stay loyal to the British Crown
Loyalists vs patriots Loyalists tend to be older Tend to be wealthier Existing officers or paid employees of Britain Members of the Anglican Church Typically younger Less wealthy Members of the Presbyterian church or a church that practices Congregationalism From the New England area
Colonists form Treaty with France (didn’t we just fight these guys Colonists form Treaty with France (didn’t we just fight these guys?) Ben Franklin organizes the Treaty in paris
This leads to war in Europe and South America: Spain and France go to war with Britain in Europe. Other European countries, led by Russia’s Catherine the Great, organized “Armed Neutrality” a policy aligning all other European powers against Britain without going to war with them. This cripples Britain, and immensely helps the colonists in their war in america
“whom can we trust now. ” Benedict Arnold turns traitor “whom can we trust now!” Benedict Arnold turns traitor! One of our two main generals attempts to sell off colonial military strongholds to the British
Question: to this point which group of people have we completely ignored?
As in the French and Indian war, native Americans end up fighting on both sides. Most side with the British, fearing colonials will push further and further west, threatening their sovereignty.
Yorktown: Cornwallis defeated The French Navy prevents the British from providing reinforcements, while General Washington and a half Colonial/half French Army surround and force the surrender of Cornwallis
Treaty of Paris: 1783 Britain recognizes United states independence -recognized america west to the mississippi, north to the great lakes, and south to the florida border (owned by spain) part of the treaty was to not mistreat loyalists