Ms. Lowe Team 7 Grade 8 Math Class
Expectations Be on time Be prepared Be respectful Do your best
Supplies Math Binder Paper Pencil (w/ eraser) Pen (regular and correcting) Highlighter Whiteboard Markers Calculator Ruler Agenda pad
Grading Algebra 1 Assessments 90% Independent Work 10% Math 8 Assessments 85% Independent Work 15%
Assessments Common Assessments Quizzes Entrance and Exit slips Other End of each unit All announced Quizzes 1-3 per unit Usually announced Entrance and Exit slips Beginning or end of class 5 minutes long Other Springboard units Binder Checks Projects
Independent Work Class work Warm-ups Homework Grading: √+ 100% √ 85% √+ 100% √ 85% √- 70% √-- 50%
Organization Be a Jerry…not a George!
Math Binder Section 1: Notes (table of contents) Section 2: Homework (table of contents) Section 3: Assessments (table of contents) Section 4: Warm-ups *Your math binder is a great reference. Please treat it with care and keep up with it. I have model binders for you to use if you are out or get behind.
Absence YOU are responsible for getting the notes you missed when you were out. Ask a buddy or use the model binder. I will give you any handouts that you missed when you return. There is an extra paper bin that will have all handouts too. If you miss an assessment, it needs to be made up asap.
Extra Help Math is challenging…and that is why it is fun. There will be times you find it easy and times that you struggle. Stick with it through both. When you need extra support, I am available. I will be after school for extra help every Tuesday. Also, I am available before and after school (as needed) by appointment. Extra help is a privilege that is afforded to all students who work hard during class and do their homework.