The minor parties
Ideological Parties These parties are based on a particular set of beliefs. Most of these parties have been built on some sort of Marxist thought. Examples- Socialist, Socialist Labor, Socialist Worker, and Communist parties A couple parties have had an individual approach like the Libertian party of today, which emphasizes individualism.
Single-Issue Parties Focus on only one public-policy matter. The names usually indicate the party’s primary concern Example- Frees Soil Party opposed the spread of slavery, the American Party , also called the know nothings, opposed Irish-Catholic immigration in the 1850s, and the Right to Life Party opposes abortion today. What is another party that you could see forming for the next election cycle?
Economic Interest Parties These parties have been rooted in periods of economic discontent. They proclaim their disgust with major political parties. Example- Greenback Party tried to take advantage of agrarian discontent. This also spawned another party called the Populist Party, which called for many of the same things as the Greenback Party. (Ownership of railroads, lower taxes, adoption of the initiative, and referendum) Can you think of a Economic Interest party that may exist today?
Splinter Party These are parties that have split off of major parties. Example- The “Bull Moose” Progressive Party, which split off of the republicans, also the Progressive Party which split off of the democrats. Most of these types of parties have split off of a major personality. (“Bull Moose”- Theodore Roosevelt, and Progressive- Henry Wallace)