GROUP __________MEASURING PROJECT 50 pts (Make sure that you know your group name.) Your group represents a company, hired to find the height of an object. (You will make up a business and a name for it, a customer, and a reason the customer wants you to measure something.) Example: My company is DRAGONS ‘R US. . . . You may accurately use any system of units (feet, inches, meters, centimeters, miles, fathoms, parsecs, etc.) (Carefully consider what you might want to use.)
REQUIREMENTS: I. Cover Sheet (8 ½ x 11, drawn or printed portrait style): (3 pts) You must make and use a full coversheet with a picture. Fasten all pages together. (Stapled, report cover, ribbons, etc. NOT PAPER-CLIPPED! NO LOOSE PAPER) (No paperclips or easily comes apart.) (3 pts) Come up with a name for your business to put on the cover (something I will approve of!!!) (You should have a picture on the front, too.) (5 pts) List first (legal) & last names of all group members in alphabetical order (titles?), Group name, and period must be on the cover. (This is where most groups lose their points!!!!!)
You will have 3 paragraphs AND EACH SHOULD HAVE A HEADING: II. Paragraph 1 (New sheet. Title this section: PREMISE, or REPORT, or GOAL, or PROBLEM, etc.): All paragraphs must be typed, double spaced, one side only, and grammatically correct. (Use complete sentences, with grammatically correct structure.) (6 pts) Make up a story to describe what your company does, who the customer is, and why this customer wants your company to find the height of something. (Be creative and descriptive. You are measuring whatever is in your story, not the actual object. )
III. Paragraph 2 (Same Sheet or continue on page 2 III. Paragraph 2 (Same Sheet or continue on page 2. Title this section: PROCEDURE, or MISSION, or DESCRIPTION, etc.): (6 pts) Using bulleted form, describe (in detail!) how the height was found; including what each person did for this job, including typing, drawing, calculating, ideas, etc. Everyone must do something. Divide up the tasks. (Measuring, writing, typing, coversheet, calculations & picture page, organizer (calls everyone to make sure you all have your parts—if he or she fails to call, do not hesitate to check with your group members!!!!!!!!) I reserve the right to lower the grade of anyone that I deem did not participate on a reasonably equal level. You should ask, “What can I do?” DO NOT WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO!
Paragraph 3 (Same Sheet or continue on page 2 Paragraph 3 (Same Sheet or continue on page 2. Title this section: CONCLUSION, or RESULTS, etc.): (5 pts) Compose the conclusion, tying up the story. Must include the numeric answer and units. (Give a satisfactory conclusion to the story, tying up the customer's request with the final answer. INCLUDE THE ANSWER in the concluding paragraph.)
Calculations Sheet (New Sheet): (5 pts) Draw/paste a picture of YOUR object with measurements. (Draw by hand, use Clip Art, Images, etc.) 5 pts) Show the mathematical solution. (if you substitute a measurement, make a footnote.) (This can be handwritten.) (5 pts) THE CORRECT SOLUTION (one decimal place.) (There is a possible 52/50 points for an accurate answer.)
Final Draft: (Make sure that everyone has a copy of all components, in case someone is out!) (5 pts) The draft (I – V) should have: a cover sheet; all paragraphs, typed; and calculations sheet. (I need to see the physical components (not on your computer.) This should be as perfect as you think your part is. Everyone will get a chance to check over all parts to get the best grade possible!!!) Due Final Draft: Thu, 3/8 Final: Fri 3/9 (–5 for every day late) (This is why you have each other’s numbers and email!!!!!) There is a possibility of 52/50points for the entire project.
YOU ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PARTS!!! Today you will measure the object, come up with the premises for your story, and write up a rough draft. Divide up the tasks, so that everyone has something to do, reasonably equivalent. Some examples: -Measuring distance -Writing rough draft -Typing (each part?) -Coversheet -Calculations & picture page —EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A COPY OF ALL PARTS PRIOR TO THE FINAL DRAFT DAY AND TURN-IN DAY. YOU ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PARTS!!!