Clickers in the Classroom Engaging All Learners! Clickers provide opportunities for students to actively participate in learning without the every day use of pencil and paper. Each student is assigned a number that matches the number on his or her clicker. *A CPS sensor is plugged into the assigned computer.
Downloading the CPS Software Step 1: Click on the “Google” icon located on the computer monitor screen and type in the words “class performance system.” Step 2: Click on the CPS link as illustrated by the purple arrow. Step 3: Once the CPS website is shown on the screen, scroll across the gray bar and click on the word “support” and click on the download drop down bar. Note: ExamView Software should already be downloaded on computer before downloading the CPS (clicker) software.
Next Step to download the CPS software Previous step: Scrolled across the gray bar, click on the word “support” then click on the download drop down bar. Click on the model number that is compatible to the selected clicker model you are integrating in your classroom. * v6.71 is the selected clicker model Click closed or exit when download has finished.
Using Clickers in the Classroom Scroll to the bottom of your monitor, click on the icon to open the einstruction Device Manager..., and click on CPS…
Create A Class Now, we will create a class using a teacher’s name. Click on the prepare tab, classes/students, and then click new to create a new class.
Enroll Students Now, we will enroll students into the created teacher class. Click on the prepare tab and classes/students, and new to assign students to a new class. Click ‘save’ *Assign clicker # as ID # - (option…gender)
Assign Test Click Engage tab and select Lessons/Assignments, Add File(s), and ExamView File… Click the select ExamView Subject
Select Test Subject Click the selected ExamView Test – Reading or Math Select subject being taught
Engage Students Click on Engage Tab to begin student participation. This will begin the process for activation of clickers so that students can be actively engaged. Teachers are provided with immediate feedback of the students progress while students are actively engaged in the learning process.
Reports Click on the Report tab to pull students assessments for immediate feedback and re-teaching skills. Click Report tab, select lesson title, and then click on generate report.
Summary Report Select report Print reports to use as instructional tools for remediation purposes
Engaging All Learners “It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him” - John Steinback