Aim: How can we describe US participation in WWI?
What emotions are used to get people to fight in WWI in these posters What emotions are used to get people to fight in WWI in these posters?? How are they different?
Group Work Directions Using the textbook pages 587-593, you must complete the outline given. Some info has been given to you, the rest you must figure out. These are notes, so they should not be completed sentences!!!! When we go over them,,, explain them in full sentences!!! That’s the point of note taking!!!!
US Mobilization Problems of US Troops Selective Service Act . 1. 3. 2. 4. Selective Service Act 1. . Not drafted Served as nurses, secretaries ,telephone operators African Americans
US Success in Combat A. Problems with Navy 1. 2. B. Methods to Solve Problem 1. 2. 3. C. Breaking the Blockade 1. 2. D. Fighting in Europe 1. Positives of US troops a. b. a. Nickname for US troops 1. why? E. Tide Turns 1. 2. 3. a. Originally was a conscientious objector
Fighting “Over There” A. New Weapons 1. a. 75 mile range 2. a. b. Used for gassing 3. tank 4. airplane b. B. Medical Care 1. Problems a. b. c.
German Collapse Problems within Germany Armistice .. 1. 2. 1. 4 years 1. 2. Armistice 1. .. 4 years 20 million dead . … a. $350 billion